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Jack Kinane
Jack Kinane
Photo: Jake Dawber
Views: 1,390
Item #: 34151
My uncle Jack Kinane at my Nan and Grandads 50th anniversary

Comment by: Dave johnson on 3rd January 2023 at 15:14

Had many a pint wi jacky in the Crooked Wheel. Always a gentleman and could tell a tale with the best of em.

Comment by: Jake Dawber on 5th January 2023 at 05:14

Dave, you knew my Uncle Jack? Belting fella

Comment by: GrahamN on 6th January 2023 at 00:49

Back in the forties I knew a Jack Kinane living in Chestnut Road…could this be the same? he had a younger brother Micheal.

Comment by: Jake Dawber on 6th January 2023 at 17:53

Yes GrahamN this is the same Jack Kinane you are talking about. He had a younger brother Mick.

Comment by: GrahamN on 9th January 2023 at 21:28

Lovely nostalgia seeing Jack, ( it’s what Wiganworld does!) I’ve never seen or heard of the family since they left Chestnut Road around about 1948, Jack was older than me and Micheal was my playmate back in our primary school days. When the family left number 127 the McGurren family moved in, one of the McGurren sons Bernard,played for Wigan.

Comment by: Stephen Bannister on 5th February 2023 at 18:40

I bet Jack and mi dad Syd banny could tell you some tales.

Comment by: Jake Dawber on 7th February 2023 at 03:31

Yes definitely, my dad told me Jack and Syd was inseparable… two great blokes.. do you have any stories?

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