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Abbey House
Abbey House
Photo: Keith Beckett
Views: 2,889
Item #: 34044
Abbey House. It looks like a much altered version of the Abbey Lakes house posted by Ron. The photograph was taken in 1969 and was accompanied by the following description.
Abbey House is set off Church Road, Upholland and is a private house. It is also known as the Priory House. The Abbey/Priory disappeared at the dissolution of the monasteries and all that remains is a wall near the Parish Church.

Comment by: RON HUNT on 2nd October 2022 at 13:15

Keith, thanks for the update. It would appear that someone added 'LAKES' to the title of the other image<g>

Comment by: Stan on 2nd October 2022 at 16:39

Keith Beckett (and Ron) - that is not the same house.
The one in Ron's photo can be seen to be on a sloping road , with an eccesliastical building to the right of it.
The house you have posted stands off Church Street (not Church Road) on a perfectly level plot, in its own wooded grounds, with an extensive lawn to its front. There has never, in recent centuries, been any form of building - ecclesiastical or otherwise located to the right of it.
19th century maps, and also Charles Towne's oil landscape, painted circa 1810 can bear this out.
The Abbey House in your photo has never been altered in any radical fashion.
As stated by me in my previous post, I have lived in this area for almost seventy years.
I was well acquainted with the Hunt family who lived in the house in your photo, and visited the house and grounds on many occasions. They lived there for the better part of fifty years until the mid 1970s.
I can safely state these are two totally different buildings.

Comment by: Simpkin Upholland on 2nd October 2022 at 18:44

Keith Beckett it would be a good idea for you to visit Upholland and have a look round at things before coming up with crackpot ideas.
The house called the Abbey is in the middle of a wood and always has been.
The picture Ron posted is of a house on a road going up hill and theres a flight of steps up to the front door because its higher than the road level.
They are nothing like each other.
We used to go conkering in the woods round the Abbey and used to get chased out.
Definately two different houses.

Comment by: Frank Winstanley on 3rd October 2022 at 07:43

On the left edge of this photo the gable end and chimneys of another building can be seen.
This is the old parsonage which was built about 1820. It stands 50 yards to the north west of the Abbey House and is now a social club.
Had the photographer stood a few yards further to the left when taking this image Upholland parish church would also have been seen. The church stands behind the Abbey house, and is separated from the parsonage building by a gap of barely twenty feet.
Now to the house in the photo posted by Ron (Item #: 34038).
Given the angle this photo was taken at, both of the above mentioned buildings would be clearly seen to the rear, if his photo and the one posted above were of the same building . Nothing can be seen to the rear, apart from a shed/garage, and a couple of small trees.
Add to this the facts already mentioned.
1) The house in Ron’s photo clearly stands at a roadside. It is built on an eminence or platform, to compensate for the slope of that road, and the front door is approached by a number of steps. Some form of church building can be seen to the right of it.
2) The Abbey House in the above photo, does not stand at the roadside. It stands in wooded grounds of approx 1 ½ acres. It is built on a level site with a large garden and lawn to the front, and there are no steps to the front door.
No form of building – ecclesiastical or otherwise – has stood to the right of it in recent centuries (certainly not in the ‘photographic era’). This fact can be borne out by looking at 19th century maps, contemporary illusttrations, and photographs.
There can be no doubt that the two photographs – the one posted above, and Item #: 34038 posted by Ron, are of two different buildings, and I find it a source of wonderment anyone could think otherwise.

Comment by: Phil Taylor on 3rd October 2022 at 14:31

This house is for sale

Comment by: Simpkin Upholland on 3rd October 2022 at 16:58

Frank Winstanley that's a blast from the past.
I see you are still clued up on UpHolland. Last time I saw you was years ago in the Delph and you said you were getting married shortly.

Comment by: . Ozy . on 3rd October 2022 at 20:10

Simpkin Upholland …
From my viewpoint ,
It wouldn’t be an altogether bad idea also should you choose to adopt a more respectful attitude towards posters that haven’t actually lived in Upholland for the past three generations .

I fail to see where the term “ crackpot ideas “ could legitimately be applied to Keith Beckett’s comment .

If the photo description isn’t correct , then “ ipso facto “ , that would make it incorrect , …. …..enough said .

It’s either one or it’s the other , but that doesn’t necessarily make it
“ crackpot “ .

Could I suggest therefore , without wishing to appear disrespectful of course , that in respect of any possible future images concerning Upholland , a slightly more benevolent attitude could be directed towards an original poster who is merely attempting to identify a specific location .

Comment by: Scaramouche on 3rd October 2022 at 20:50

Ozy well said. I haven't seen Simpkin contributing much to the web site... No need for comments like that When people are trying to help.

Comment by: . Ozy . on 3rd October 2022 at 21:20

Oh ! …., and if I may be forgiven for being pedantically obtuse , the correct spelling of the word “ definitely “ is actually definitely , and not “ definately “ , or
“ defiantly “ even ,.. as I frequently see the word mis-spelled .

In the relatively short period of time that we spend on this spinning rock , we are firstly taught to speak our mother tongue , before , in due course, being allocated a national insurance number .

In my experience I find it helpful to become competent in the spelling of the first and then , in the memorising of the second .

And with regards to
“ has “ ..and ..” as “….
Well , since I refuse to accept defeat and accept it as a lost cause I’ll endeavour to cover that one in my next missive .

Comment by: AP on 8th October 2022 at 18:22


It would come onto the market just when I do not have a spare couple of million lying around.

Comment by: Cyril on 9th October 2022 at 18:15

Ozy, have you seen the Hob, Oven and Grate in this house could it be in competition with your Aga for making the perfect Pan Loaf I wonder?

Though the chimney could be stuffed up with old Cassocks, Surplices and Dog Collars to keep the draughts out.

Comment by: . Ozy . on 10th October 2022 at 21:27

As a man of your obvious intellect will no doubt be aware Cyril , in this life we often have to make a choice between function and decoration and I make no secret of the fact that I tend to favour the former over the latter .

To be fair , I doubt if the range pictured in your link has ever been witness to a fire since the end of the Bronze Age at the very latest ,…. unlike my AGA , which , not dissimilar to a Sheffield furnace , can be seen glowing white hot every teatime .

In fact , there have been occasions when I’ve considered it prudent to sit out in the rain under the stars outside my shelter rather than risk a fortnight on the burns unit at Whiston hospital.

And with regards to
……‘ Pan loaf ‘ ,…never heard of the stuff .

The only pans that I’m aware of are the chip pan and the frying pan,..
…and now you’re telling me that there’s actually a pan that you can make loaves with ?……
I think I’ll pass on that one .

So if you’ll forgive me Cyril , the plume of smoke coming off my chip pan would appear to indicate that my tea is almost ready .

p.s… have you noticed that the esshole cover on the range in your link bears a striking resemblance to those pointy corsets that Madonna famously used to wear ?…..No ?… well maybe it’s just me then .

Anyway , all the best from me for now mate . Ozy.

Comment by: Cyril on 10th October 2022 at 23:02

sorry Ozy but I don't bother watching Madonna or the other attention seeker Gaga woman, who should have been spit roasted when wearing that dress of rump steaks. Though I know what you mean because I think it was Matt Lucas who lampooned her in a sketch wearing a bikini top with something similar stuck on. A Pan Loaf is just the name for a loaf baked in a pan or a loaf tin rather than a round loaf or cob baked on a sheet, go to different baker shops and they all seem to have their own name for the same loaves.

Th'esshole is a word I haven't heard for some time, my first thoughts on hearing it were of folks referring somewhat nicely to someone's nether region.

Well you won't be bothered this winter with gas or how may therms are being used like the rest of us, or is it log (arythms) you get concerned with using Aga's.

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