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Queen's Hall, Market Street, Wigan


Queens hall main hall.
Queens hall main hall.
Photo: Daniel Catterall
Views: 2,775
Item #: 33662
Queens hall main auditorium taken before closure in 1984.

Comment by: irene roberts on 19th April 2022 at 08:08

We used to hold an annual event here when I was at Hindley and Abram Grammar School, but I'm blowed if I can recall what it was! I don't think it was Founders' Day Service, as I think that took place at All Saints' in Hindley, and the Carol Service was at St. Peter's. but I remember coming here with the school. Obviously I mustn't have been paying attention! But it was a beautiful place., much of it lost to the building of the bus-station, (not the current one, the one before).

Comment by: Elizabeth on 19th April 2022 at 08:21

I can remember this from Speech Day at HAGS.They were so boring,seemed to go on for hours.

Comment by: Veronica on 19th April 2022 at 08:49

Thanks for sharing the photograph Daniel. My Yates ancestry attended the Queen's Hall. If I'm not mistaken one Grt Aunt who lived in Grt George St played the piano or organ there not sure which.

Comment by: irene roberts on 19th April 2022 at 09:14

Speech Day! That's the one, Elizabeth.

Comment by: Mary. on 19th April 2022 at 09:56

Notre Dame High School (Convent) Speech Day held here.

Comment by: Alan Wright on 19th April 2022 at 09:57

This photo takes me back! I went to a couple of Eddie Wareing rugby league film shows here in the 60s. I remember he showed the Wigan vs Hunslet RL final, along with a feature he did for American TV on the final. I was also there when he showed GB vs Australia films, along with a panel that included "Sergeant-Major" Eric Clay. Happy days!

Comment by: Donald Underwood on 19th April 2022 at 10:33

WGS Speech Days were held here The Halle Orchestra performed hereLarge political meetings were held herevjc5r

Comment by: A.W. on 19th April 2022 at 10:41

I remember going to concerts here, the Grenadier Guards Band was one, also the charity sales they used to have monthly on a Saturday, what a shame this place was demolished.

Comment by: irene roberts on 19th April 2022 at 12:55

AW...there are still some parts of the building left, fronting Market Street. There used to be a small cafe at one point, selling simple meals like sandwiches, jacket potatoes and soup. I don't know if it's still going strong or not. Many years ago I was in a play at WLT, in the days when they did't have a rehearsal room, so when there was a play on, we had to rehearse elsewhere, and I remember one rehearsal in a room the Queen's Hall. It was like a little classroom with children's writings on the wall and I was surprised that children were taught here. On closer inspection of the writings, I realised it was ADULTS who were learning to read and write there. I thought it was wonderful that they had the chance to learn. I can't imagine not being able to read or write and it must be difficult to admit it and so brave to accept help. I was so impressed that they were willing to be taught and hope they were successful.

Comment by: Edna on 19th April 2022 at 13:53

It's not been demolished A.W. It's very much in use.Its just that upstairs isn't used as it once was.Also the cafe is open daily, 10am till 1pm.Run by lots of lovely people.All volunteers.

Comment by: Maureen on 19th April 2022 at 18:54

Elizabeth and myself very often go for a coffee there,it's a very friendly atmosphere..and of course I have the memory of all our Schools singing Land of Hope and Glory there..I don't know how the roof managed to stay on...mind you now the weather is brightening up I think our next meet will be "The Brocket".

Comment by: Daniel Catterall on 19th April 2022 at 19:06

The building was completely knocked down all the way to the front corridor and the rest including the tower was stayed, but was redeveloped, and the rest was completely rebuilt.

Comment by: irene roberts on 19th April 2022 at 19:15

How lovely, Maureen. How odd that we all sang "Land of Hope and Glory" there as schoolgirls, and how special that is. My love to you and Elizabeth.

Comment by: John G on 19th April 2022 at 19:21

My memory of this hall takes me back to my school days, Ashton secondary school was invited to take part in a opera ( That’s the choir).
Let’s see now it would have been around1966/7 because I left the school in 1968.
The opera was Carmen, we where all around the upstairs balcony singing or should I say (Trying to sing the backing vocals for this experienced opera singer.) Her name escapes me, but she had a fantastic pair of tonsils, also a very large cleavage, but that’s another story.
Also on the bill was a very fantastic Brass band, (The black Dyke Champion brass band) that’s why my Dad came , he loved this Band.
He said he came for me, I said yeah sure!
But everyone appeared to have a good time, I had my chippie supper and home on the bus, my Dad had a big smile on his face, my Mam was made up,

Comment by: irene roberts on 19th April 2022 at 19:32

What a fantastic memory, John G! I left Hindley Grammar in 1969. I worked in a Chemists in Ashton on leaving school, (although I lived in Ince). It was Richardson's Chemists in Gerrard Street....perhaps you remember it?

Comment by: John G on 19th April 2022 at 20:08

Hi Irene, yes of course I remember the chemist in Gerrard Street, and if I new you then I would have bobbed my head in to say hello.
But unfortunately at that time we were passing ships in the Night.
But now we are friends in 2022, I hope.
By the way Irene, all my family came from Ince on the Glovers side, and moved to Ashton + Garswood.

Comment by: irene roberts on 19th April 2022 at 20:45

Yes, certainly friends in 2022. John G. I only know a Glover from Platt Bridge....a lady called Tina who I used to work with in The Queens Pub in Platt Bridge. Lovely lady.

Comment by: Elizabeth on 19th April 2022 at 21:20

Yes, Edna,you're right,the volunteers are lovely there.Also, Maureen,looking forward to meeting up there with you again soon. Thanks Irene for your kind words.

Comment by: A.W. on 20th April 2022 at 09:46

It is true that not all the building was demolished but little more than the facade of the original building still exists.

Comment by: Daniel Catterall on 20th April 2022 at 13:17

Original bit is up to the kitchen the rest was stripped out apart from the higher floors.

Comment by: Daniel Catterall on 20th April 2022 at 16:37

The back of the first floor was rebuilt the rooms that overlook the new hall and the outside but the rest of the floors up to the tower are more or less the same.

Comment by: Edna on 21st April 2022 at 22:12

Hi Elizabeth, I may see you in there sometime with Maureen.xx

Comment by: Elizabeth on 22nd April 2022 at 07:55

Yes,Edna I hope so,would be nice to have a 'catch- up'.x

Comment by: Phred on 22nd April 2022 at 10:03

Sang there with Parkside colliery male voice choir, accompanied by Grimethorpe colliery brass band, good old days !

Comment by: Maureen on 22nd April 2022 at 11:54

We could have a good old natter couldn't we Edna.

Comment by: Edna on 23rd April 2022 at 22:35

Yes Maureen, we definitely could, I look forward to that, maybe sometime.xx

Comment by: RON HUNT on 15th February 2024 at 19:02

Up to a couple of years ago I still had a collection of Eddie Waring Annuals which he sold at his film shows. By attending these shows it was the only way you would see any Rugby League games played in Australia.. A lot of people run down the guy.. But he was a pioneer in Rugby League. He would do all the commentary;s on his own. Not like today's matches on TV.
He put Rugby League on the U.K. map

Comment by: Colin Traynor on 18th February 2024 at 13:08

Love this picture, can you imagine what it could have looked like today faithfully restored.
I know it’s a Wetherspoons but was in the Art House Cinema in Bury last Friday, originally it was a Theatre.
They have done a magnificent job in bringing it back to life, chandeliers on the side balcony boxes and all. Could not resist taking a few pictures of the interior.

Comment by: Meg on 27th February 2024 at 15:32

I was baptised and married here. It was a fabulous place . As children my siblings and I went to Sunday school every Sunday and mum and dad went to the Evening Service. I remember what to a child seemed like miles of corridor through the doors either side of the stage, with lots of rooms off them. We used those as rehearsal rooms for special services when we would perform little sketches. I must have been about six at the time but I can clearly remember, at one service, being dressed as a butterfly complete with wings and flowers in my hair reciting "I am a pretty butterfly ,so happy and so gay. For God has given me my wings to brighten up the day. And as I flit from flower to flower and drink the nectar sweet, I make the world more beautiful, God's goodness more complete. Happy memories.Thank you Daniel for taking me back to my childhood x

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