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Abraham Guest


aghs staff
aghs staff
Photo: gary dickens
Views: 6,535
Item #: 33030
aghs staff 80s

Comment by: Stacey Haselden(was Barnes) on 28th April 2021 at 14:00

I recognise quite a few of these faces, back row Mr. Woodhouse, third in Mr.Jones, 4th in Mr. Burton, 14th Mr Slinger, 15th Mr Webster16th Mr. Jackson
2nd row 1st Mrs. Rhodes? 12th Mr. Mque? 14th Mr. Barnes
3rd row not a clue bit think last one might be Mrs Hodekinson only started in 94 and they were all grey or bald by then defo bald by the time I left!! ????
4th row 10th Mr.Bennett

Comment by: Chris Hutchinson on 30th May 2021 at 18:17

Egg head Slinger and Woodhouse, still hate now. Mr Burton one of the funniest. Webster couldn't half throw a math book at you. Never thought would say miss Abby Guest.

Comment by: Valérie Rao on 13th August 2022 at 13:20

I’m on there! Mrs Hill back then. 2nd row up, 7th from left.

Comment by: Susan (Somers) on 28th January 2023 at 11:25

Oh my word, what a blast from past seeing all my old teachers. Favourite Teacher by far Mr Barnes . What a teacher he was, he would always let us have the radio on whilst doing our artwork. Woodhouse now he was funny but proper strict. Good job I was good at German cos if you wasn't the wooden metre ruler would be slammed on the desk. Many a time he slammed it in front of my best friends, TIna's desk . What an absolute bully.
Mr Halsall my form teacher was horrible , slapped a book across my face once. He was known for being violent against children. The teachers back then were such bullies and certainly wouldn't get away with that today. Who the hell did some of those teacher think they were?
Miss Rhodes caught me and Tina truanting from school once , told us to get back to school . We walked away hid then went back out down the brook haha to be dealt with Mrs Hill the day after. Punishment - on report for a week or 2.

Comment by: Paul Jolley on 12th March 2024 at 03:13

wow remember most of the teachers in the picture. Mr Woodhouse with his squeaky shiny shoes lol. I saw a few times after I left school he was a totally different person. I miss the old school only to find out its been demolished that was a shock.

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