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Photos of Wigan
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Wigan Album
Wigan Flood Alleviation (FAS) Phase 1&2.
3 Comments![13-11-2009.Preparation for the new footbridge works under way.](/album/3/0cdp5vq8.jpg)
13-11-2009.Preparation for the new footbridge works under way.
Photo: Barrie.
Photo: Barrie.
Views: 3,080
Item #: 32436
Item #: 32436
The scrub and trees have been felled during the past month. The pipe bridge remains in place.
This was my first visit since commencement of the scheme so it was a half day safety inspection and review.
This was my first visit since commencement of the scheme so it was a half day safety inspection and review.
Comment by: Cyril on 27th May 2020 at 15:42
Was the concreted pipe coming out of the hill left in situation or capped off I wonder, as at one time there was sign close to it asking folks to phone a certain number if it was flowing, I can only assume that it was an emergency sewage overflow pipe as even when it was raining I never saw any water flowing from it.
Comment by: Barrie. on 28th May 2020 at 12:44
Cyril, on later photographs to be shown, the pipe was exposed and extended in the completed protection wall to outfall into the river.
Comment by: Cyril on 29th May 2020 at 13:31
Thanks Barrie, it must be an overflow pipe then.
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