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Wigan Album

Market Hall


Wigan Market   Hall
Wigan Market Hall
Photo: Ken Parr
Views: 4,230
Item #: 3213
near to the last day of trading.

Comment by: Arthur Culshaw on 7th April 2007 at 01:00

Pot Fair at the outdoor market, Woodcock St. Surely?

Comment by: Dave Marsh on 7th April 2007 at 15:53

"I'm not asking £10,put your money away luv.Not even a fiver.If you want it give me 30 bob and its yours.I can't do these prices every day but it's the wifes birthday"

Comment by: Helen on 12th April 2008 at 08:41

What memories those wicker baskets of china evoke, the banter was just as Dave recalled. Back in the late 40', early 50's my sister & I were allowed to go on our own to the fair on the Market Square. I remember the 'china stalls' being somewhere near the entrance to the Makinson Arcade. My son still has a sugar bowl with fancy handles & a lid that we bought at a china stall. I was amazed the way the stall holder would start with an empty basket & then keep chucking in peices of china with no effort at all, I was spellbound.

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