Wigan Album
Station Road, Wigan
Photo: Tom Sutch
Item #: 32054
In 1980 Greater Manchester Transport bought 20 ex London Transport DMS Daimler Fleetlines that were withdrawn at only seven years old. They were allocated at the Lancashire United depots at Atherton and Swinton but none at Hindley and operated until 1984/85. The 20 buses were MLH407 452 458 460 462 465 466 489L, MLK584 588 591 597 603 615 622 632 634 635 675L,TGX710M. The other bus in the picture is an ex Wigan Corporation Leyland Atlantean FJP566G, GJP2-10G, KJP20-31J, NEK1-10K. There were also ex Salford PRJ-G, ex Bolton OBN-H,and ex Manchester NNB-H,and ONF-H big Mancunian GMT buses in Wigan in 1982 when this photograph was taken in Station Road where the Powell Museum and art gallery can be seen with a Renault 14, and just out of view is the Horseshoe pub.
Great photo once again Tom.
But horrible GM bus colours.