Wigan Album
H. J. Heinz, Kitt Green
Photo: janet grindley
Item #: 31981
Not being disrespectful Janet, but there are a few on the photo that could be very good doubles for TV presenters and actors from the 1970s, I bet they got their legs pulled about it too.
I can see Bobby Ball for a start !
Are you on the photo, Janet?
I can see David Dimbelby at the front right, with a rare smile...
Whats the date of this photo ?
Remember dating a girl who worked at Heinz.
She told me she was a sausage twister. This remark quite excited me ;-)
No I,m not on it ,but my husband who recently passed away is ive just found it don,t know what its for think it was took about 1987. Does anyone know whats its about?
I can see John and Kath Meadwell on here so it may have been a bit earlier then 1987. Can't help with where it is, sorry
Fred Dineage from "How !" was paying a visit that day - man in front with red tie !
This is a photograph of lads who worked in the Veg Prep, or most of them did.I can name a lot of them.
Thanks, Janet. And which gentleman is your recently departed husband?
The 1 in the white shirt front row
What is the little envelope at the side of my post.
Thanks, Janet. Your late husband had many friends.
Back-row l to r: Peter Kane sporting a black eye (4), and two steps along, Susan Boyle.
Second-row l to r: Alan Freeman (3).
Third-row l to r: David Coleman (3), Bill Foulkes (4) Geoff Hurst (5).
Fourth-row l to r: Steve Davis (8).
Front-row l to r: Joe Mercer (7), Arthur Negus ('Dimbers' too.) (8).
Back row 1st let Jimmy Dawber,3rd from right Harry Fisher.2nd row starting from the left Tony Glover, Bernard Dawber, Jim McEvitt,Bill Green,David Duncalf , John Bullpit,Alan Jolly,My fiend Brian Heyes looking tanned,the last three Brian Havard, Jimmy Birchall and Jack Crook.Front row George ? Ken? center Barry Grindley. Veg Prep lads were the best.
I recognise Ken Halliwell ex rugby player, Alan Dickinson and Billy Lynch.
That's some effort Jud. Well Done!
Is the one with the light brown leather coat the chap off the TV series Bonanza.
TerryW: That chap rode 24hrs in the saddle, they don't call him rawhide for nothing.
Alan Partridge next to David Dimbleby..? Front row second from the right.
Front row far right, Arthur Negus, 3rd along to left David Dickinson, and 2nd one along as mentioned Fred Dineage. Next row up 2nd from left Hughie Green. 3rd row up Bobby Ball as mentioned, and same row 2nd from far right George Roper. Top row far right Cosmo Smallpiece the character portrayed by Les Dawson.
All good fun aside, it looks as though they all had a thoroughly enjoyable and well earned night out, it was good money at Heinz, but you worked for it.
GEORGE, the envelope is your e mail details, click on it !!
Harry Curless with the white jacket on.
My mum Doris Croston is on the second row, fifth from the left.
Good photo, my grandad is Jimmy Birchall I will have to show him this picture !
I no Brian Havard went school with his son & played rugby with kieron. his grandson now plays for wigan warriors..
Yeah that's definitely my uncle beni.. (Bernard Dawber)
Wow, blast from the past! Or should that be How?! Just come across this, and I own up to being that Fred Dineage... The Group Manager Peter Phillips is to my left, never knowingly without a fag,. Looks like Gordon Allsop 1st left on 2nd row and shop Steward Jimmy Roby 2nd left on top. Kettle men, FLT drivers, banes of my life but wouldnt have had it any other way! Possibly at the Wrightinton Country Club, otherwise Holland Hall, possibly 1985 or 6?