Wigan Album
Mesnes Park
8 CommentsPhoto: PF
Item #: 31979
PF - in January 1920 - so some months before this view was taken, a WW1 tank was put on display in Mesnes Park on a purpose-built concrete base. The contemporary newspaper reports of this event are vague about whereabouts in the park this was. It could be in the area in front of Pagefield Mill - there seems to be something where a flag-pole may be seen. Can this be confirmed from looking at the origin image?
The layout never seems to change, it's still familiar after a hundred years. Just the poor Boer War soldier AWOL from his rocky plinth! The bandstand renewed and no fountain near the main steps, the duck pond is there,but can't see the ancestors of today's ducks. MInd you my eyesight isn't that good these days.
Just two bowling greens in the park at this time, there were eventually three bowling greens, a putting green and tennis courts. The other bowling green at the bottom right is Wigan Subscription Bowling Club which is still open.
This photograph was taken 100 years ago in 1920, and hardly anything has changed in Mesnes Park, the bandstand and cafe for example, and the bowling greens with lots of people present, also the private bowling green in Park Crescent and next to it is Wigan Cricket Club.
Excellent picture. Generally the park itself has not changed much. The furthest part of the park which were once the tennis courts are looking extremely run down & neglected these days along with the rear walkway from Walkden Avenue. The Pagefield Building really needs to go before someone is killed - if the council did step in to redevelop the Pagefield site it could definitely open up potential for the park's future. 100 years ago the park really did have a captive audience as there no package holidays and people could not even afford the fare to get to Blackpool!
The top pathway above the white marquee has now gone.
Ron - if you are referring to the white object in front of Pagefield Mill - thanks to PF sending me a close-up view (which confirms that the WW1 tank is sat on the far side of the footpath), it is possible to see that what I took for a flagpole looks more like a Maypole - and the white area is a circle of hard-standing around the Maypole, for dancing on.
Well spotted Rev.....there is indeed a tank in front of the Pagefield Building.