Wigan Album
Photo: DTease
Item #: 31798
Would that be St Georges in the background ?
The Quality Hotel must now be about 30 years old. It was built in Orchard Street, and there was a little cobbled street called Clarence Street behind the last buildings in Greenough Street that were demolished in 1985 to make way for the ring road. There also used to be a garage on this site and other buildings. The former St George's school is also visible, but not Haigh Hall somewhere beyond the trees.
I thought I was looking at a prison when I opened this up!!!
I seem to remember the hotel was also known as the Oak at one stage aswell. The Coronation Street production crew filmed some scenes inside the hotel in the late 1990s with Curly Watts (actor Kevin Kennedy).
I remember having a meal in there shortly after it opened.
My companion summed the standard of catering up when she said it was "nothing to rave about, and not quite bad enough to complain about".
What put the tin hat on it was after we finished eating, when we were served "freshly brewed coffee" out of a thermos flask, the size of a two gallon bucket.