Wigan Album
Photo: Tom Sutch
Item #: 31745
Very much missed by most people! 'Bereft' Wiganners unite and storm the Town Hall...( don't suppose it will do any good!)
You have a good eye Tom. This is a brilliant photo, well done.
Veronica - I have little time for Wigan Council, but what do you think is down to them ? These are commercial decisions by Morrisons who have closed many stores throughout the country including the out of town store at Ince. A few years ago they closed the one nearest to me in Clevedon, Somerset which, a large store in a relatively affluent area, and was was heavily used. Locals still complain bitterly about losing their Morrisons. It was replaced with a (huge) B&Ms which is regarded in posh Clevedon as definitely second=d best. The fact is that local authorities have relatively little control over such commercial decisions. Morrisons for whatever reason have lost much of their customers in recent years (probably to Lidl and Aldi who have expanded) as they tried to take on Asda, Sainsbury and Tescos, and to a large extent have failed and we are paying the price.
Yes you have pointed out before Carolean about it not being the fault of Councils, I had forgotten. But surely Morrisons must have been a veritable goldmine in that situation. It was always packed, the same in Mark's food department..it's hard to grasp what is going on, I understand clothing and other household goods etc....but not food. Aldi and Lidl are blamed for taking away business, but there's no way I would do a full shop in their stores! They're not for me, I know plenty people who like our own supermarkets. All I know is a decent supermarket is needed in the centre of Wigan.... Or there is no point coming there, Home Bargains and B&M are everywhere,as are Pound shops, so no need to come just for those stores. Where will it all end!? It's like death for the town centre.
Great photo Tom
You any relation to Lord David Sutch, pop singer/political candidate in the 60s
Very much missed indeed. Used to love the layout of this place esp the separate alcohol section that had its own swing barrier entrance and checkout. Also remember at one point there was a small music section. Growing up without a car this Morrisons was a lifeline for people/families who had to use a bus. Shame it was closed