Wigan Album
Item #: 31619
Sunday morning, looks like...Waiting for the alehouse to open...
The shop on the right is open for business in the days before Sunday openings. The crowds look as if they are expecting a parade or something, they're all looking the same way. Perhaps the Fair is coming to town!
Wot! No trams??
Nearest ale house Jarvo is 200 yards away, in either direction. Veronica the shop on the right was the Post Office
Go to places, Standish, page 7 photo 17 to see the original Post Office in Standish.
They were all looking at the camera.
It looks as though the faithful Patch could have done with a bit more exercise un aw.
Doggy looks very obedient, perhaps he's being held by the collar. They all look as if they have stepped into a Lowery painting. Whatever is holding their attention must have been a big event anyway ( to them anyway). It looks a sleepy village in those days!
Just had to look at the other Post Office photo Roy. It is brilliant, reminds me of the whimsical series on telly a few years ago... "Lark Rise to Candleford". The people in the photo so clear - you could write a book about them - and all wearing clogs!
Veronica: I would imagine what they are looking at is a chap in the middle of the road with a big box on a tripod and a lens sticking out of it.
It must have been a very curious event, and probably the first time they had seen a photographer.
You are probably right John G but the line of people stretch back a good way.. And even Patch is curious!
Fascinating to dwell on some of the historical events the older folks in this photo may have lived through. The Crimean War. Rorkes' Drift. The Ripper murders. I can hear their chatter in the gaslit pubs.
And in a darkened corner we have Wilf tickling the ivories, accompanying Owd Bob's rendition of "Come into the Garden Maud". Finishing off with a rousing "On the road to Mandalay" .. Where the flyin' fishes play....with much clog tapping and dominoe clicking - A good neet was had by all!
A forgotten war ,
A battle with spears ,
smoke filled pub rooms ,
and ale split beers .
Tomorrow a morning of fog filled grime ,
hopscotch and gas light
and wash stone time
Pits in the morning ,
a day once again ,
cotton mill clogs ,
no silence back then ,
turn on machines and off do we go
smell of the cotton on pinneys we know .
each to each other
brother sisters and me ,
Face dead in mud
So that I could walk free ..
Anyone else noticed the ornamental gas lamps either side of the front of the Council Offices ?