Wigan Album
Market Place, Wigan
Photo: DTease
Item #: 31526
Just had a look at the sea front web cam here where I live in Norfolk. Not a trace of litter despite the number of visitors the town gets everyday.
Littering is done by those people that think that as they pay their dues someone else will come along & clear up their mess. I know I would make them do, spend a day or so clearing up after people like themselves.
Its a blight on the streets, put there by mindless,thoughtless, brainless scum. Enough to make blood pressure rise at the sight of it. When and if, I pick it up, I know it's just a ' drop in the ocean' of waste. It's especially worse to see in touristy places.
This drives me mad. I have seen people eating a McDonald's meal in a car, then throwing the whole lot..... paper bag, cartons and cups.... out of the car window before driving off. It infuriates me! I don't drop litter, my children don't, and my grandchildren don't. because we have all been taught by word and by example through the generations.
You are right Irene, learnt by example as most things are. A parent I saw the other day must have taught her two children well, they were about 6 & 4 yrs old & had ice creams with paper round them, they carefully unwrapped the ices
& walked over to a bin to deposit the paper.
And just a thought, in the news we hearthat teachers are having to take on duties that should be a parents job, children starting school still in nappies & sucking dummies....what next?!
When was this photo taken it dosn't look recent
Years ago the Market Place would be all hustle and bustle, at this time in the afternoon.
Saw a guy about 25 eating fast food waiting on a train platform . Ate his food , then casually threw his empty box and drinks container onto the platform and then booted it onto the tracks . Wiped his hands with the provided tissue and threw that as well onto the track . He didn’t give a toss . Seemed to enjoy his food though . For a brief moment I thought about having a go , but at my age , thought best not . You can’t teach people like that . All he was interested in was filling his belly . We have got to the stage where some people believe that without them dropping rubbish , those who are paid to pick it up , would be out of work otherwise.
So in actual fact they doing them and society a favour . Some are Masters and some are servants . Isn’t that how it’s always been .
There is a good book available along these lines , it’s called , From Birth to Zombie , written by ,as you know renowned author , Arthur Complete Pratt . His other classic , Let Some Other Sod Do It , is still available in the House Of Commons bar library .
I watched a lad walk into Market Place from the top of Wallgate on Saturday morning with a paper drinks cup. He stopped by one of the ornamental stone columns in the Market Place and put it down ,then walked away. There is a litter bin 4 feet away. SCUM.
If we didn't have all these fast food places where you're eating and drinking on the move, then maybe people wouldn't be so lazy. Most people do use the bins, it's the minority that dont. It's hypocritical when people blame these small takeaways, yet they never point the finger at all the McDonald's, KFCs, etc everywhere. I remember watching a local news story not long ago about fast-food takeaways being blamed for obesity, yet there was not mention of McDonald's and all the big fast-food franchises...hmmm I wonder why? because they're not really concerned about obesity it's all about profit. When I go the gym at the DW, the hypocrites have the local radio ads on promoting McDonald's, so much for promoting fitness, I bet McDonald's sponsors them.
It isn't about litter bins, it isn't about fast food shops, it is about people having no respect, for the place they live.