Wigan Album
7 CommentsPhoto: Colin Harlow
Item #: 31408
Well respected in the Newspaper world, Jack and the team won many major awards and placed the Wigan Observer in the forefront of local Newspapers in the Country.
Sadly, Jack passed away in March this year, age 87.
I don't know any of the five men who worked for Wigan Observer, but remember the building in Woods Street. The car that can be seen through the window is a Hillman Avenger, and a mill chimney is at the top of Caroline Street. That building was destroyed by fire in the early 2000s, Swag textiles was the last shop to be based there. In addition to Wigan Observer, there was also Wigan Reporter, a free newspaper, and also Post and Chronicle works based in the Douglas Valley near Wigan Lane.
The other gentlemen as well Jack Winstanley are, as I remember, are on the right Malcolm Ryding, front left Alan Rimmer, who covered the Latics in their non league days, other gentleman sat down is Mr Tom Groves and the gentleman standing is Gordon Hurst photographer. Excellent journalists and people.
Thanks for putting names to all these fine gents methinks, it's a great help cheers.
Best paper around the Observer when it was a broadsheet, loved it, always packed.
You are welcome Colin, thanks for putting so much information and photos of the Wigan Observer on Wigan World.
Left to right, seated: Allan Rimmer (news editor), Tom Groves (assistant editor), Jack Winstanley, and me (chief sub-editor). Standing - Gordon Hurst (chief photographer). The morning conference for 15 minutes set out the plans of the day and allocated any special responsibilities. Sadly only Allan and I left standing ... just!
The Broadsheet Wigan Observer was a total success newspaper, mirrored by these five great men.