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Market place Wigan


Market Place
Market Place
Photo: DTease
Views: 3,350
Item #: 31367
Market Place, Wigan,Sept 1994. Moot Hall Buildings.

Albert, the robots took your job.

Comment by: Albert.S. on 23rd July 2019 at 09:45

DTease. You will be confusing some people with “ROBOTS”

Comment by: From Where on 23rd July 2019 at 17:47

The sands of time are canned and canny ,
a few pennies left , and one less many .
We awake from a dream and then it’s gone
like a wind on a dune
I was someone
who walked and stood
In rain drenched hood .
carrying shopping few pence could .
the man in the middle who stood once there
no one passing , few less care .
Did you notice the buildings gone
No ! Mi mams dead , she left someone .
She left her bag , her hat as well .
Did she say she was leaving
She said might as well
She said all s. closing , it won’t be the same
The shops and alleys will be pushed down the drain .
But I am young mam , will I go as well
Ce sera child who can tell..
Where you like me mam , Young I mean .
No my daughter , that’s just your dream .
What will be will be ..

When I was just a little girl I asked ...

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