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Wigan Pier


Wigan Pier 1929
Wigan Pier 1929
Photo: Tim Cooke
Views: 3,865
Item #: 31211
A still taken from the 1929 Pathe film of where the original Wigan pier was being dismantled. This view shows a gantry over the canal, a more realistic looking 'pier' to me!

Comment by: Jarvo on 12th May 2019 at 07:14

Long ago...The rain swept cobbles that led off Poole Street and on to the wasteland of old Wigan. A thousand mill girls tread their weary way to the factory gates and another day of penniless drudge...Long ago...Please don't take me back there...

Comment by: Veronica on 12th May 2019 at 12:19

No not to go back - but just to remember them for their blood,sweat and tears,heroines every one.........mind you those who worked in the mills always swore they loved working in them! I once did a week in one - and cried every night when I came home, I couldn't bear it! I remember my dad saying 'She'll be neither use nor ornament' .. My mother said 'It was good enough for me'! She always worked at Eckersleys.... I soon got out - it wasn't for me- the monotonous drudgery- would have driven me insane.

Comment by: Veronica on 12th May 2019 at 15:08

The Trogan workforce fodder in the mills and mines, poorly educated purposely to keep the owners wealthy from off their backs. The towns and cities grew rich, hence the grand buildings and houses. With the decline of those occupations Mill and Mineowners left, leaving behind a heritage, now left to rot or be demolished. This made way for 'glass boxes' and concrete jungles... Betrayed to the last even when they are dead and gone! At least the Education system is better. We shouldn't forget those weary workers. Change yes - if it is for the better!

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