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Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan

Wigan Album

Woodfield School


Woodfield School - late 50s
Woodfield School - late 50s
Photo: David Brown
Views: 3,659
Item #: 31128
Late 50s Miss Sharple's class I think.

Comment by: Allison Poole nee Ashcroft on 14th April 2019 at 10:30

Hi David. I have this photo too. I'm on the second row next to Christine Barber and Suan Martindale. The woodfield photos brought back many memories. Especially of the school choir. Thanks

Comment by: Geoff Foley on 31st October 2019 at 01:30

Hi David, I've been living in Melbourne Australia since 1963 and these photo's bring back many fond memories of Woodfield. I can only remember a few in the pic. -
Back row - Geoff McFarlane, ? Penny Fearn?, ?, ?
I'm mid row 5th from left, then twin brother Alan, Martin Walker, Graham Markland?, ?,?
Next row - Susan Crow, ?, Judith Wilding, .. Christine, ? Jocelyn ?, ?
Sitting cross legged is Ian ?
Best I can do I'm afraid. Thanks again for the history lesson and the opportunity to reminisce ...
Who's the teacher on the right?

Comment by: Emma Susan Martindale (Robinson) on 15th November 2019 at 23:08

Hello and what a surprise finding this photograph and comments. I often read Wigan World to my mother who is now 93. The family live in Edinburgh and I am in East Lothian. So, here are the identities as then:
Front Row: Miss Parkinson HM, Sarah Morris and Ian Green
1st Row: Suzanne Crowe, Louise Pedder, Judith Wilding, me, Alison Ashcroft, Christine Barber, Elizabeth Gillespie, Joycelyn France, Sarah Boardman, Janet Roberts and sorry was it Jill?
2nd Row: Michael Wadsworth; John Aspinall, John Bretherton, The Foley Twins, Martin Walker, Graham Markland, Stephen?, Ian Hall
3rd Row:
Geoffrey?, Carol Hanson, Leslie Holland, ANO - apologies to the nameless ones.

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