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Wigan Rugby Players


Billy and Eric, at Wembley in 1963
Billy and Eric, at Wembley in 1963
Photo: Keith
Views: 3,872
Item #: 31018
The great Billy Boston receiving the ball from his centre partner the fabulous Eric Ashton at Wembley in the challenge cup final of 1963 against a very good Wakefield Trinity side who won that day. They were an incomparable duo who gave unbelievable service to the Wigan club over many years and both had fantastic careers in the game. Many claimed that as a pairing they were "the best of the best" and I wouldn't disagree with that.

Comment by: dave johnson on 10th March 2019 at 11:19

Went to this game with my dad & grandad,my first live match. The ticket cost 2/6d slightly less than it costs today.

Comment by: Jarvo on 10th March 2019 at 22:17

Great pic. The great days of RL. The game today is an embarrassment.

Comment by: Jinksi. on 11th March 2019 at 13:43

Keith,Jarvo,could do with Billy B Eric,and a few more Players from that team for today's team.Todays Fowards can't lay a ball off in't tackle Half Back's kick & chase & hope for best.Sit um down show um vidio of Roosters game see how they played things.But being a Wigan Lad I still go to every home match,and hope things improve.

Comment by: Alan on 12th March 2019 at 18:55

It's all about management!

Comment by: Anne on 15th March 2019 at 09:23

What NO tattoos...these two are real men.

Comment by: Derek Bannister on 1st May 2019 at 06:50

What a player, I knew Lisa and Karen wish i still had Lisas email, if anyone knows please tell her to contact me.

Comment by: alan winstanley on 30th March 2023 at 13:47

When one uses the word hero's then it only apply's to an elite few , and in particular these two GIANTS of the game , met Billy in my local chemist the other day it's still great to talk with him!

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