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Red Rock


Red Rock Station 1957
Red Rock Station 1957
Photo: Steven Buckley
Views: 3,879
Item #: 31013
Taken by HC Casserley - Red Rock Station & signal box looking back towards Boars Head & Wigan.

Comment by: Philip G. on 8th March 2019 at 16:00

A nice photo Steven, but it does also remind me of how foolish I had been when parting with my video of The Signalman.

Comment by: From Where on 9th March 2019 at 00:47

we ran up the bank
the wet soggy lank
hid bi a tree
two friends and me
then came the ghost
black noise the most
shaking the ground
the trees all around
they warned.. never look
but childhood mistuck
a temptation too great
and a smell on soul paint

Comment by: Ian on 9th March 2019 at 08:30

Is the bridge in the photo still there?

Comment by: Tommy on 9th March 2019 at 13:12


The bridge was removed in the early 1980's and the gap filled in and the road was straightened out (reorientated) because there was a sharp 'kink' in Red Rock Lane, where the road turned to go over the bridge and although there is still a turn in the road there, it is no where near as sharp a turn as it was when the bridge was there and today on one side of the road, the original side of the bridge is still there and from that you can tell the extent to which the road was straightened out.

Comment by: English Electric on 10th March 2019 at 04:52

I always fancied a job on the old-world railways working in a quiet mechanical signalbox on a secondary line like this one at Red Rock. Some might think it too boring a job, but if it was a scenic, room-with-a-view location, I'd take it any day.

Pull a few levers, bell on the local passenger train to the next station, make a brew, light your pipe and settle back with the newspaper for an hour or so before pulling a few more levers for the pick-up goods.....

Nearby Whelley Junction was another box I'd have liked - a bit busier than Red Rock though, with all the goods trains travelling over the Whelley Loop.

I definitely did not fancy a busy main-line box like Bamfurlong or Euxton Junction - on your feet the whole shift and a bad back from working so many points and signals all day.

Nowadays a lot of the railway is controlled by computer, so it would be sitting on an office chair in a darkened air-conditioned Control Centre, clicking a mouse and staring at train numbers moving across coloured screens, without seeing the actual trains, the weather or the countryside they were travelling through.

Comment by: Philip G. on 10th March 2019 at 12:40

You might like to take me along with you 'Leccy' - I'll supply the enamel brew cans and butty boxes. It might then also be possible for us to create some sort of small terrace for the sole planting of a few convenience spuds . . . this here scented cavendish isn't half having an effect.

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