Wigan Album
Fleet street pemberton
Photo: t darbyshire
Item #: 30770
Brilliant photo
Another glance into the misty past that I remember well. Everybody's grandad looked the same to us children. It seems to me it was the clothes they wore that made them look older than they actually were. At my age now, your granddad looks quite youthful next to the obviously older gentleman T. Thanks for sharing the photo and another glimpse into a time long gone. Definitely a photograph to treasure.
I agree with Veronica. This is real Wigan World material. Thankyou for letting us see it. Imagine how amazed those gentlemen would be, knowing we could see them on the internet!
These gents seem from another world almost. You wouldn't think this was the 50,s. Jazz, rock n' roll and Teddy Boys must have seemed apocalyptic to them.
Yes, what a wonderful photo. Can someone tell me what Lomera Greeners means or who they were ?
With all due respect, poet, this was the early fifties, and only nine years after the war. I think the Teds were a couple of years away. 1954...the year that I was born, and Wolverhampton Wanderers won the league title.
My dad used to call the people from Lamberhead Green 'Lommera Greeners' Helen. Incidentally after the 1st WW The Roaring Twenties (more so in America) came into being so I think that generation would have become attuned to the music - when the fifties music was being played with It's Jazzy, earthy undertones. Mind you they may not have 'liked' it!
Lamberhead Green Pemberton Helen. When you look at the photo the gap between my grandad and the person on his left, you can see the first house in Lamberhead road, which was built around 1952.
Lommera Green is Wigan dialect for Lamberhead Green.
Apologies, Veronica....I hadn't noticed that you had already explained that Lommera Green was Lamberhead Green! xx Jarvo, I thought you were older than me! xx
No need to apologise Irene- none of us know what t'other is going to write ..... Thanks anyway.
Dressing young was an unknown concept to these gents. Already middle aged by the roaring twenties they were the last generation not to experience some form of youth culture. Unflinching unchanging Victorians to a man.
Jarvo, I've had a quick gander on Google regarding the Teds.
Seems the first newspaper reference to them was in the Daily Mirror, September 23rd 1953.
Irene: It seems you were in the class above me; my sister Pam was in that one. You were born in 52/53? What a great year to be born in...In fact, what a great decade. Years away from the bloody internet...x
Thanks Veronica...and Irene. Lovely term to use !
Jarvo, I was born on the 6th October 1952 and I will be 66 on Saturday. I just always thought for some reason that you were older than me! xx
I recall the very first time I saw a Teddy Boy. Sat on the doorstep with a playmate we watched a lad called Roy who lived in the corner shop walk by, I say walked, but it was more of a bounce on his crepe soled shoes! He would have been about 17 yrs old and was wearing 'drainpipes' and shocking pink socks. His jacket reached to his knees and he had a large quiff in his hair which was combed into what was called a 'duck's a---e'! I was only 6 yrs old and never forgot the sight of him. It must have been shocking at the time to all and sundry - especially ex- service men. I really like those socks though!
I once heard or read that Lamberhead was a corruption of Laud Mary's Head that is praise the head of Mary the virgin mother of Christ. I dont know how true this is
For the life of me, I cannot remember the name of the street at the side of Pemberton Police Station., yet I must have gone into the station umpteen times. Was that Fleet Street?.
Woodford Street, Albert. Same name as the street at the side of Hindley nick.
Woodford Street, Albert.
Woodford street Albert.
I was a Teddy Boy in 1951 after demob.
I thank the three of you for that information. It is now fifty four years since I last stepped over the threshold of Pemberton Police Station.
Arthur it would be great to see a photo of you as a Teddy boy -preferably with a Teddy girl....;0))
Speaking of youth culture (oxymoronic to some) it's all gone rather anodyne of late. Nothing meaningful since the Punks.
The grandparents are hipper than today's kids.
Rock around the clock bill Haley the teds in Wigan loved it. Times changed after that movie