Wigan Album
Photo: Edd Mather
Item #: 30708
Unrecognisable from the building of today, and I cannot remember it being rebuilt. 1960? Earlier maybe? But I never really ventured that far north in those days. When was the Workers built then? Anybody?
I don't think it is the old White Swan at Pemberton, there is TV ariel on the roof and a van that ,looks 50's or 60's and I reckon the Pemberton pub was rebuilt in the 30's.
Not being pedantic, but, if you were heading up Ormskirk Road you would be heading West.
Definitely White Swan Pem. Compare it to photo number 2 in the Lamberhead Green album which shows pub from further along White Street. Identical timber work on pub and that same tall chimney next door.
played darts in there a few times.
Just checked on old-maps.co.uk . 1955 map shows this smaller White Swan with properties joind to it on both Ormskirk Rd and White Street .
Workingmens club was built but smaller than present .
1960 map shows surrounding properties gone , White Swan extended ( rebuilt ? ) , PC built ( public conveniences ) and club extended
And photo 5 on lamberhead green photos.
Yes that’s a photo of the old white swan pub. My grandparents had this pub and the new one.