Wigan Album
11 CommentsPhoto: DTease
Item #: 30512
It may say Dicconson Lane Post Office but this road is actually Bolton Road Aspull, I grew up around here the shop was run by the Westheads when the old post office across the road closed down. The bottom right is the Gerrard Arms, and Mill Lane were I used to live. 4 doors down from shop was my Aunty Doris Keefe nee Hilton lived,
If you don't use them they shut!
It's undeniable Alan, you have an amazing talent for seeking out the bleeding obvious.
I to also lived across the road further down I remember Jack and Connie who used to run the shop, and also the old post office was across the road they were called the weavers fred and polly used to run it in the 60s and early 70s.
But Alan has a point, I suspect.
Welcome back Howard! As the Horlicks worn off?
I walk past here regularly after walking through Borsdane Wood and back home. I've always loved Aspull, my favourite place in the Wigan and district area.
Don't know the reason why this was called Dicconson Lane post office as it was in Bolton Road, Aspull, that was in the Wigan borough. Dicconson Lane starts a few hundred yards down the road, and is not in Aspull, but in Westhoughton district in the Bolton borough. The pub that still exists is the Gerrard Arms, number 615 Bolton Road, and ironically the only bus route that went this way was the 15 later 615 from Wigan to Bolton with a stop outside the pub.
I recall that people who lived on Dicconson Lane were called 'Diccy Loners' by some folk in Westhoughton.
For those of us who lived around The Finger Post anything past the Hare and Hounds was “Dean t’Mill”. As in ‘Er cum from dean t’Mill ‘er did”.
My Grandad Peter Gerrard had his clogger's shop in Dicconson Lane, can anyone tell me what house number it was please.