Wigan Album
Bickershaw Festival
Photo: Frank Orrell
Item #: 30333
A weekend that promised so much was wrecked by wicked weather. It was an escape: for 24 'hungry' hours...
Roughing it or not , how beautiful are those four girls front left?. Ahhnhh deep sigh!
That's Veronica, Maureen, Elizabeth and myself, Poet! We were young once, tha' knows!
Only thing is Irene - I couldn't have sat in that 'slutch' even for Elvis!
Poet and DTease would have put their coats down for us, Veronica!
I would have used my cloak Ladies!
A touch of the 'Walter Raleighs' Poet very gallant - but it wouldn't be big enough even with Dtease's cloak! I think my posterior had expanded a bit at that particular time! Hahaha!
Veronica, Elvis was amongst the 40,000 people at the festival.Elvis Costello said it was the turning point in his life when he decided he wanted to form a band and Joe Strummer, described it as one of his favourite concerts.
I bet 'THE ' Elvis would have come to Bickershaw but for that old goat Colonel Parker stopping him! ;0(.
Bet the King would have loved Bickershaw.