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Trustee Savings Bank


TSB King Street
TSB King Street
Photo: Keith Beckett
Views: 4,681
Item #: 30035
First prize in a competition on display outside the TSB in King Street.

Comment by: Albert. on 4th January 2018 at 14:57

Is this the T.S.B. that is/was situated in the vicinity of the Shakespeare Hotel.

Comment by: DerekB on 4th January 2018 at 15:21

Yes, it is Albert. Given the quality of BMC or British Leyland cars at the time this was a current model, the second prize was probably two of them.

Comment by: David on 4th January 2018 at 15:28

Wasn't opposite Rodney House?
Triumph Toledo / Dolomite?
Circa 1975?

Comment by: RON HUNT on 4th January 2018 at 15:32

I can remember one day going into this bank in the 1970's As I was stood at the counter I was aware of all the staff scurrying about at the back of me. It transpired I had inadvertently walked into some white paint an there were footprints all over the carpet, luckily for me, they had worn off before they reached where I was stood. I noticed on coming out of the bank that the paint had been spilled in front of the Court Cinema.

Comment by: Steven on 4th January 2018 at 15:33

Next to Brocal House.

Comment by: Dave on 4th January 2018 at 15:48

How are they going to get it through the door?

Comment by: John G on 4th January 2018 at 17:47

Dave: I wouldn't worry about that Dave,the dents and scratches would make it more rugged looking, besides the most expensive part of the car was the petrol tank.

Comment by: Garry on 4th January 2018 at 18:08

The emblem on the rear window says, Baldwin Timberlakes.

Comment by: Garry on 4th January 2018 at 20:57

This car was in production 1972-1980.

Comment by: A.W. on 5th January 2018 at 11:27

The building is still there,it's a bar nowadays.

Comment by: AH on 5th January 2018 at 13:10


Comment by: Ab on 5th January 2018 at 13:30

They may not have been the best car of the day, but they were far better than the soulless rubbish we have today. Doubt they we would be able to have that car ramped up like that today with those people stood at the side, ther'd be a barrier around the place, about a dozen hi viz jacketed storm troopers everywhere pushing people around like cattle in a pen, and no doubt security everywhere.

Comment by: Caroline B on 5th January 2018 at 19:25

I worked here for 6 years before my son was born but I don't remember this.

Comment by: Cyril on 6th January 2018 at 14:56

Wonder if those lads with the rolled up towels had been on their way to the baths and thought this was going to be a lot more fun to stay and watch, bet there was even more fun and games getting the car out.

Comment by: Alan on 6th January 2018 at 18:21

Caroline B. It might have been before you were there 6 years or even after that time. It's easy to work that out.

Comment by: GeorgeW on 7th January 2018 at 09:22

In the New Year of 1977, I opened a cheque account with the TSB, for my salary to be paid into when I started a new job.
I'm certain the bank was still in its old premises then, in what was later the Rates Office, next door to this building.
Might help narrow the date of the photo down.

Comment by: Frank Orrell on 7th January 2018 at 13:39

I took this picture for the Post and Chronicle on Tuesday July 22nd 1980.The Triumph Dolomite car from Baldwin Timberlake was driven into the TSB in King Street for a publicity stunt.

Comment by: Poet on 7th January 2018 at 13:46

I have often wondered what Boris Johnson did before he entered politics.

Comment by: Alex on 7th January 2018 at 18:22

That photo was never that clear in the Post, Wigan Observer yes.

Comment by: Caroline on 7th January 2018 at 18:28

Worked here from 1968 until late 1974.The TBS moved from its'old premises ( now Platt and Fishwick Solicitors)in early 1974 to new premises next door (now Revolution Bar.) The bank was considered state of the art when it opened in the new premises.

Comment by: Alan on 7th January 2018 at 19:31

State-of-the-art for PPI, like all other banks.

Comment by: Stephen Murphy on 8th January 2018 at 23:31

I remember a few cars in the TSB during the 1980s. 1 I Remember was a TR7. The Last One I think was a Citroën AX in about 1990. They refurbished the interior of the bank circa 1991

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