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Wigan Album

St Nathaniel's Platt Bridge


Interior View
Interior View
Views: 1,858
Item #: 29497
An interior view of the church 1930's

Comment by: Albert on 30th June 2017 at 14:00

Wasn't this church a distinct feature, as you looked across the fields, from Spring View, where the clay hole pond was?.

Comment by: Henry7 on 30th June 2017 at 15:39

All my Mother's family attended St Nathaniels, lovely to see the interior again. The brickwork on the outside is wonderful, does anyone know if it is Accrington brick?

Comment by: irene roberts on 30th June 2017 at 21:15

I would say so, Henry 7.

Comment by: Albert heaton on 2nd July 2017 at 14:35

I was in the choir as a boy at st nathaniels through 1950s-60s morning service then Sunday school and then evensong ,lovely memory's with lovely people.

Comment by: David Jackson on 5th July 2017 at 17:01

I was in the choir through the 50's - with the understanding that I must not sing. Would not go on the Sunday evening that Buddy Holly was on Sunday Night at the London Palladium. Left shortly after that - probably about 58.

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