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Wigan Album

St John Ambulance Brigade Band


St John Ambulance Brigade Band, 1955.
St John Ambulance Brigade Band, 1955.
Photo: Gordon Urmston
Views: 2,881
Item #: 2934
The St John Ambulance Brigade band, 1955.
They were very popular for walking days etc. I was a member and I still have several friends who were members..

In 1955 they went to a contest in Blackpool and came away with the title of North of England Champions. To celebrate, they organised a march around Wigan followed by this photo session on Wigan Market Square.

Comment by: Tom Tudge on 19th December 2007 at 02:01

Is that Joe Dobson as the Mace Bearer of that Band? I remember him from Wigan Empress Dances in the 50's. Not seen him for years.Nice guy.

Comment by: Gordon Urmston on 28th March 2008 at 13:09

It was indeed Joe Dobson

Comment by: john dakin on 6th March 2009 at 13:21

Gordon,is the one far right front row "Timber" Woods.

Comment by: Alan Cheetham on 10th August 2014 at 17:40

great to see this photo, brings back great memories, I was a member of this band, and good to see some old pals,i am still in touch with Eric Jackson, Brian Woods, and Phil Ashall. Will have look if I can find any photos of the band.

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