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Wigan Rugby Players


Wigan Players 1920's
Wigan Players 1920's
Views: 2,623
Item #: 28137
Postcard showing 5 players. Hurcombe, Ring, Sullivan, Price,& Henley.

Comment by: GW. on 15th July 2016 at 11:58

Those shorts are due for a fashion comeback.

Comment by: ALAN WINSTANLEY on 15th July 2016 at 14:06

My late dad would tell me stories of these player's and their incredible prowess. At that time it was one if not their favorite sports and pastimes.He used to say jonny ring could fly and beat pigeons ,danny hurcombe he 'd say was a genius, On Gentleman Jim well he would say he could kick a ball and land it on a threepenny-bit haha, i loved him telling me all about those early days of W.R.L.C. Later much ,much later due to an accident i had i was referred to the late Jhonny Ring for he had devoped hand massage treatment ( part-time) after quite afew visit's he would open up about his days playing rugby i think that in its self helped me with my pain, finally one thing he told me which has stuck, and thats all these people today jogging /running all along the roads/tarmac/concrete he was adamant that in later life they will all suffer from bad joints by running on those surfaces. He would ONLY run on grass that's why he said he never had any creaks /pain all his days A TRUE GENT HAS ALL THE OTHER FOUR FATASTIC PHOTO RON HUNT THANK-YOU!

Comment by: Horace on 15th July 2016 at 16:18

Those shorts are ready for an ironing board !!!!!

Comment by: Neil Cain on 17th July 2016 at 22:16

Henley? surely Howley

Comment by: RON HUNT on 23rd July 2016 at 11:25

Neil yep it is HOWLEY misread the names on the back of the card.

Comment by: Lynn Pattinson on 15th October 2018 at 12:16

Is the Price mentioned here JACK Price (ie my great uncle, who played for WRLC from 1922-27??

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