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Wigan Central railway line towards Lower Ince.
Wigan Central railway line towards Lower Ince.
Photo: Bill Lyons
Views: 3,761
Item #: 28106
Looking south-east from the canal bridge and Goods Yard signalbox in 1928 in the directon of Lower Ince station.

The track diverging to the left beyond the bridge went to a loco turntable at one time.

Item #15184 in the WiganWorld album shows the Goods Yard signalbox diagram with the layout of tracks here (although the diagram possibly relates to a later date than these photos).

Comment by: RON HUNT on 7th July 2016 at 10:44

Bill, What a great set of very clear photos. Thanks for putting them on the web site.

Comment by: . Ozymandias . on 7th July 2016 at 10:53

Cracking set of photos Bill, and taken with a decent camera by the looks of things. Any idea who the photographer was ? I Get the impression they may have been taken by a member of a railway survey team. How many ordinary people had a camera like that in 1928 ?

Comment by: winder on 7th July 2016 at 11:31

Excellent set of photos, Bill. They show the railway as it used to be.
My mate Dave will over the moon when he sees them.
Thanks for sharing them.

Comment by: baker boy on 7th July 2016 at 12:43

i'm grateful to see these pics,as I have never seen anything other than stations on this line.it would have made a great local commuter line if still intact as it was when it opened around the end of the 19th century.
in one year then 122,000 tickets where issued at wigan central,an amazing number of passengers.
beyond the bridge in the background of to the right was the wigan GC shed CODE 13G which closed in 1952,engines and men transferring to springs branch much to the disgust of the GC men.thanks for the memories.

Comment by: 7ft Mouthing on 7th July 2016 at 18:07

Not seen these before only ever seen the signal box great photos more please as I have an endless fascination with the Wigan Central Line.

Comment by: cindy on 7th July 2016 at 18:19

When was the L&Y railway built, Didnt it run over the Central line between the canal & the lower ince loco shed.

Comment by: irene roberts on 7th July 2016 at 18:38

These photos are brilliant. I don't pretend to understand the intricacies of them as the male Wigan Worlders will, but they are so atmospheric and so evocative of another age, and wouldn't have been "right" in colour, even had it been available then. Although taken in 1928, they remind me so much of the fifties, when my older brother worked at Springs Branch. Thankyou so much for sharing them.

Comment by: karen on 7th July 2016 at 21:41

Fantastic photo's Bill so glad you shared them with us. This is a line that I have always been interested in and have posted a few of my own photo's of this area but have never seen these photo's before . Thankyou Karen Smith

Comment by: Al on 8th July 2016 at 08:43

What a shame this station had to go, and to think it had so many passengers on its day. We need these stations back, but I doubt it would make much difference to vehicles on the roads as the car park (or multi storey) would be chock full of cars anyway, people will still use own transport to get to the station and then hop on the train because parking in city centres will be horrendous and expensive. Very atmospheric shot, for the 1920s very clear and sharp. Wish I had photos from even the 1940s, 50s & 60s that were anywhere near as clear as this; most are blurry, out of focus and over exposed with little to no detail. I doubt many of us had a decent pro SLR camera back then.

Comment by: Colin Harlow on 11th July 2016 at 14:23

The bridge in the background carried the line from Ince station to Wallgate station. After the bridge, in much later years was Kwik save to the right. further up the line was Lower Ince station at Junction Terrace, next station Platt-Bridge and so on.
Great set of photos, Bill.

Comment by: cindy on 2nd August 2016 at 14:59

I could be wrong But is not The Bridge in the background taking Ince Green Lane,over the Central Railway.And was'nt The L&Y Railway built Later.

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