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Ince in Makerfield C.E Junior School


Ince in Makerfield C.E. Junior School July 1988
Ince in Makerfield C.E. Junior School July 1988
Photo: Catherine Bolton
Views: 4,010
Item #: 27923
Retirement of the Head, Ken Lowe

Comment by: Albert. on 1st June 2016 at 17:44

Where are you Catherine?. Any other named pupils?. This was the year (May) I retired from the police.

Comment by: Catherine Bolton on 1st June 2016 at 19:39

So sorry Albert I know nothing about this school. I found the three pictures whilst clearing out a box and thought they might bring back some good memories to someone.
I find it really difficult to throw pictures away!
Someone might be able to help with the names.

Comment by: carol on 4th June 2016 at 12:08

I can remember Mr. Lowe becoming headmaster from Mr Carswell. I recall the school motto AIM HIGH; there where posters with arrows pointing up with the words AIM HIGH dotted about the school to inspire.We also had to recite Aim High twirl better thine arrow; below the mark should fall, than that though fear of failure should never AIM at all.or words to that effect.I'm sure someone can correct me. I wonder if the school still has this motto

Comment by: Ursula Baxter on 11th January 2021 at 08:52

I recognise a few on this and its 1st n second infants (yr1 & 2 now) As in 1990 the school brought in school uniform. I'm on this pic too.

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