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St Thomas's Walking Day


Ladies St Thomas' Walking Day
Ladies St Thomas' Walking Day
Photo: Anne Melling
Views: 2,478
Item #: 27606

My Aunt Elizabeth Platt (used to be landlady at
Red Lion and later Bridge Inn in Chapel Lane late 50s and early 60s) behind her is my mam
Alice Gibson her sister

Comment by: cliffsis on 22nd February 2016 at 14:56

I should have said Elizabeth 3rd in line and my mam behind her

Comment by: Carol on 22nd February 2016 at 16:50

What a great photo. Look at the old dear on her chair to watch the walking day. I remember when I was little (early 60's)when lots of folks lined Wallgate for the Whit walks. Lot's of chairs out then. Thank you for sharing. Does anyone know which street / road this is?

Comment by: irene roberts on 22nd February 2016 at 20:50

I remember people putting chairs out on the pavement to watch the Walking Day, and sitting gossiping long before the brass band was heard in the distance. Reputations were shredded....who had "done a moonleet" and who was "livin' o'er t'brush". Little lads in the boys' brigade blew imaginary trombones, imitating the brass band just in front, and, realising they had an audience, obligingly crossed their eyes and assumed a comical walk to accompany the "trombone-playing". Ladies like the ones in the photo proudly sported their Summer dresses or suits, (known as "Costumes" in those days). Ice-Cream sellers vied for the best "speck", and, (yes, I HAVE told this before), my Aunty Mary always put on a posh voice on Walking Day, but always got her h's in the wrong place, and used to say, "Oh, 'ello Vicar....hisn't it 'ot?". Then she would spot some high-up church lady's little lad, leading out carrying a beribboned crook, and would revert back to her broad Lancashire accent with "Ey-up.....Ah thowt yon mon ud a't t'be a shepherd!". Perspiring bandsmen looked enviously at men bringing their pints out of the local pub to watch "t'scholars", and Co-op staff stood in the doorway to wave to the little lads who, on other days, were the bane of their lives, dashing into "t'Cworp" shouting, "Ave yer any Wild Woodbines, Missis?....Well tame 'em!" before dashing out again in fits of giggles! Then the "field-treat", with pop and crisps, and prizes for running races.....happy, happy days!

Comment by: Vb on 23rd February 2016 at 18:02

They certainly were happy days Irene. The ladies of the parish in their finery,you hardly recognised them! So used to seeing them with those flowery overalls and pinnies and turbans covering their hair. I remember some women would wear their nylons rolled down to the ankles!!!! Suppose it was to save them from laddering! Clothes were more expensive then anyway so they were kept for best. Not like today - clothes are easier to come by - hence all the charity shops selling nearly new! There was only jumble sales and 'rag shops' in the early fifties.

Comment by: irene roberts on 23rd February 2016 at 20:14

How right you are, Vb, and thankyou for your reply. It was such a special day in those days.

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