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beckett family


Photo: Keith Beckett
Views: 5,557
Item #: 27598
My dad was driving this 8 wheeler in the late fifties.

Comment by: JJP on 19th February 2016 at 19:56

oh boy ! this is what I remember - ERF 8 wheeler, thanks Keith, you don't know how much I wanted to see a Fred Rose truck, childhood memories. I trust taking a copy is OK !.

Comment by: Keith Beckett on 19th February 2016 at 20:26


Please feel free to copy the photo.

Comment by: Derrick Cunliffe on 20th February 2016 at 14:00

Come on Ozy +Gary lets have your comments now that Garys
big coal wagon is on D.C.

Comment by: Jimmy on 20th February 2016 at 16:58

Garry would have had to have muscles like Popeye to navigate that round the estates before power steering was introduced.

Comment by: jake on 20th February 2016 at 18:08

Its not got windscreen wipers.

Comment by: Ozymandias. on 20th February 2016 at 18:18

Sandbach turned out some nice looking motors in the 50's and 60's and no mistake. The S20, S21 and S40 Fodens to name but a few, but this KV ERF predates them all with regard to futuristic styling. This one appears to be parked up on the tip at Blackrod. It doesn't look as though it's been long out of the paint shop. Thanks for taking the trouble to find it and post it Keith. Derrick, e-mail me, we'll have a couple of jars and burn a bit of diesel. Regards. Ozy.

Comment by: Keith Beckett on 20th February 2016 at 20:34

The photo was taken at the back of the garage on a Saturday morning after delivering a load of wire coils to Warrington. Return load from Cardiff. I practised the hitch knot roping the sheets in position.

Comment by: Ozymandias. on 20th February 2016 at 21:29

Seeing as how it was taken on a Saturday Keith, it's funny I'm not in the shot. I presume you were the photographer? If you'd have turned 15 degrees to the right, you would have probably got the rest of the fleet in. Pity it isn't in colour, but anyone who matters will no doubt already be aware that they were painted bright red, as were most wagons back then. Sutton's, Heaton's. Smith of Eccles, BRS, etc. Brilliant photo mate, I'm looking forward to seeing the Seddon. Regards. Ozy.

Comment by: Derrick Cunliffe on 21st February 2016 at 00:18

Jimmy. WE all had muscle's like Popeye those days you had to
stand up in the drivers seat to turn the steering wheel I
pulled a muscle in my chest twice thank god for power
steering the best thing since sliced bread D.C.

Comment by: Ozymandias. on 21st February 2016 at 00:42

I should have said this in my previous post, but the driver's hitch, I'll bet you can still do it to this day can't you Keith, it's like riding a bike, once you learn how to do it, you never forget. I've lost count of the number of steering wheel attendants who've asked me to show them how it's done. It's pretty much obsolete now but I'm secretly glad that I am among the dying breed that still knows how to rope and sheet. Regards. Ozy.

Comment by: Garry on 21st February 2016 at 09:33

My coal lorry didn't have power steering, and we tight street corners.

Comment by: Alex on 21st February 2016 at 09:39

Can any of you rope and sheet?

Comment by: Keith Beckett on 21st February 2016 at 11:44

Hi Ozy

Yes I can still do the hitch knot, I've put one at the end of the clothes line.
I have an abiding memory of the ERF. I was fascinated, as a young lad, as to how the fly off handbrake worked.

Comment by: Derrick Cunliffe on 21st February 2016 at 11:47

Gary ,Welcome Back I knew you and Ozy would be back your
truck wasn't a 8 legger was it Gary. Alex I can rope and
sheet,I have worked in road haulage since 1958 as a HGV
class one Driver Fitter I also have a Transport Manager CPC

Comment by: Jimmy on 21st February 2016 at 12:33

Yes Alex, I have done a lot of roping and sheeting, also had lots of experience with chains and sylvesters.

Comment by: Alex on 21st February 2016 at 14:15

Derrick did you obtain you HGV one by Grandfathers rights in 1958. Not many artics about at that time.

Comment by: Jimmy on 21st February 2016 at 16:56

Alex, the HGV licence was only introduced in 1970 (I think)
Before that you only had to be aged over 21 to drive wagons.

Comment by: Carolaen on 21st February 2016 at 17:28

As there seems to be a lot of ex drivers, hauliers etc on this site, I wonedered if any of you knew Holcrofts on Bolton Road, Aspull. I was at WGS with JD Holcroft ("Jed") 1963-69, and I'm sure his dad ran a small haulage company. I left wigan in 1970 so lost touch.

Comment by: Derrick Cunliffe on 21st February 2016 at 17:30

ALEX, HGV licenses only started 1969, you had to have 6 months experience 68/69 to qualify on the type of vehicle you applied for we only had class 2 wagons so class 2licence
I passed a class 1 test later to get a HGVclass1 license I
also passed CPC national for a Transport Managers License I
went TO Manchester Transport Training Group Middleton D.C.

Comment by: Jimmy on 21st February 2016 at 19:51

Carolaen, I remember a small haulage company in Bolton Road Aspull, I don't know the name of it, it was on the left hand side going up to the A6, he had a couple of Leylands, painted green.
I used to pass it regular heading for the M61,

Comment by: Derrick Cunliffe on 21st February 2016 at 21:39

Carolaen, Yes I remember Holcroft's his name was Thomas he
had 2 wagons there are 3 terraced house's and a garage on
the other side to the church that's where they parked but
they are long gone.D.C.

Comment by: Ozymandias. on 21st February 2016 at 22:20

Just to add my two penn'orth, there were a lot of experienced drivers who, just like Derrick and many more besides, drivers with experience on artics and wagon and drags alike, were denied a class one, or class two licence purely on the basis that they didn't happen to be driving that particular class of vehicle at that particular time, i.e. Jan. 1969 up to Dec. 1969.These competent but unfortunate drivers were therefore compelled to sit a ministry test in order to gain a licence to drive a vehicle that they had been been driving for years previously. You couldn't make it up really could you?
Still, I challenge anyone to show me the perfect system. History has repeated itself yet again with the recently introduced DCPC legislation. DCPC by the way stands for Driver's Certificate of Professional Competence. In layman's terms, what it entails, is paying £600 or thereabouts every few years to have some spotty kid straight out of college teach you how to do what you've already been doing for the past forty odd years. ( but properly this time around ). Experienced British drivers have been bailing out in droves in recent years, only to be replaced by Eastern European drivers. I'm not making a political statement here by the way, I'm merely stating facts. Sleep easy my children, I'm sure these Polish drivers know what they're about. Regards. Ozy.

Comment by: Carolaen on 22nd February 2016 at 12:21

Jimmy/Derrick. Yes that was him. I remember the green Leyland lorries now. Thanks for the replies.

Comment by: Ano on 22nd February 2016 at 19:20

Yes Oz, and now we have a national shortage of HGV drivers.

Comment by: Mick Grant on 23rd February 2016 at 15:50

Hi Keith i was 2nd mate on this truck 1959 when i was 16 the day driver was Jack Ward from Horwich i can't remember the night trunkers name its nice to see this photo you don't happen to have anymore pics of Fred Rose i.e 2 Seddons old Atki's & Fodens thanks Mick

Comment by: d7add on 9th February 2021 at 14:01

I remember Fred Rose red wagons appearing early 60s at Bryn at Prescott's haulage at top of Rag Brew, Rose Hill on Wigan Road. Any info. or ideas? If thread still read.

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