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Wigan Album

Station Road, Wigan


parked up
parked up
Photo: Brian mc
Views: 3,118
Item #: 27574
station road bus park alongside portakabins

Comment by: DerekB on 8th February 2016 at 15:13

I seem to remember that pre Selnec/GMPT this area of Station road was proposed as the site for a new bus station for Wigan. The union rejected it on (I think) safety grounds and the idea was dropped. Anybody else recall this or have I dreamt it?

Comment by: Brian mc on 8th February 2016 at 19:47

yes you are correct union objected as it would mean Buses would have to reverse out as the stands would have been as herringbone it would be law today!

Comment by: Carolaen on 9th February 2016 at 18:09

Funny how when you are little you get obsessed about things. In the 1950'2 and 60's I loved sitting behind that front widow to the left of the driver. However I was also obsessed in trying to go on a single decker bus like theone showm here. I think its because getiing the buses out to Darlington Street East where we lived they were all double deckers. The single deckers used to look so glamorous weird or what. For thes ame reason I used to love the Ribble bus single deckers but not so much the LUT ones which always seemed very basic and in need of a clean compared to WCBC ones , even in the days of smoking. .

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