Wigan Album
Photo: Aubrey Fairclough
Item #: 27435
No 1, An aerial view of Scholes.
Scholes crossing half way up left hand side. Central Park at the top.
Brilliant shot - 'me mother' Griffins house is still standing on Silver Street as is the slaughter house at the end
Brilliant -- more please Aubrey and thanks.
I can see where John St stood and the ground where our house was. The new property opposite the old houses in Vauxhall Rd - is this the same property which stands now??? I don't remember the new hoses being built so early. I can also see Lowes House where my parents went -they never liked it and moved a few years later.
I think this more very early 70's, the new houses on Vauxhall Road are upside down houses built around 1970.
There's a plaque in Scholes Health Center says opened June 1971 must be just after that.
Thanks for dating the photos, I took a guess and was a little too early.
Thanks Aubrey, a great three to zoom in on and try and place things. Pictures like these are so so valuable.
There is no stand on the Douglas side of Central Park.Anybody remember what year this was?
I can see St Pats Junior School has 2 playgrounds. When I left in 1971 they hadn't been built. We had a fenced off part of Hardybutts as a playground!
Alan H, the new Douglas side stand was opened on 14 Jan 1973 for the match against Bradford N. (see "The Grounds of Rugby League" by Trevor Delaney)
Three wonderful photos! The old Douglas stand at Central Park was demolished at the end of the 1971-72 season. So this puts the photo as sometime in mid 1972. (The building of the new stand was sadly delayed by the tragic death of Mr Eric Ayles, a director of the club and owner of the construction company that was building the new stand. He was killed in May 1972 when a concrete slab crushed the cab of the lorry he was driving. The firm collapsed soon afterwards and Allen Brothers took over the job of completing the new stand.)
Quite a contrast between the new buildings, and the old streets of terraced houses. Much more neighbourliness amongst those living in the terraced houses, everyone knew everyone in the whole street, not only their immediate neighbours. Excellent photograph Aubrey.
Row of terrace houses still there in Greenough Street!