Wigan Album
Wigan Lane
3 CommentsPhoto: RON HUNT
Item #: 27277
That's a nice picture, it's just outside where Bradshaigh House now stands, unless I'm mistaken, which I frequently am. They appear to have a fair old fire going in the Royal Oak.
This maybe of some interest concerning the Battle of Wigan Lane. I am a metal detectorist. Some twenty or so years ago whilst metal detecting in Brock Mill Lane,on some high level looking across the Douglas valley, I made some interesting discoveries which maybe linked to the same battle.
Firstly I found a silver sixpence of Elizabeth 1st,a matter of just a few feet away a 4 pound cannon ball and lastly a shoe buckle of about the 1600's.
The last find was at field level just below the higher site where the other artifacts had been found, At field level there is what could be raised earth mounds possibly to protect rifle men.
This now is speculation....could there have been men and a cannon on the higher level watching out for any military activity going along Leyland Mill Lane. I suggest this area needs more research.
The picture is wrong. August 25th 1651 wouldn't be showing a clock and turrets on the parish church as they were only added in 1850, some 200 years later.