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Wrightington Hospital


Wrightington Hospital
Wrightington Hospital
Photo: David Roughley
Views: 4,198
Item #: 27192
Boys Ward, probably 1960's (was E Ward)

Comment by: irene roberts on 10th December 2015 at 19:31

My Uncle was in Wrightington in 1964, and I can recall going to see him, and the patients were outside in the fresh air, in their beds, under a veranda.

Comment by: Mick on 10th December 2015 at 22:20

I remember going there when I was in the cubs to give them some money that we had collected from some charity event.

It was the first time I saw a black lad and couldnt believe that the palms of his hand where white, I thought the colour had come off from grabbing hold of things, but he said no the hands have always been that white on the insides

Comment by: AB on 11th December 2015 at 09:45

Thanks to four operations here, I am one of the thousands of worldwide " Bionic" men and women who have benefitted from the developments of modern medicine made here in Wigan

Comment by: whups on 11th December 2015 at 15:37

i know this shot very well as i was in this ward in the 60s. just to the left was the school house (not in picture).

Comment by: whups on 11th December 2015 at 15:47

sorry to the right i meant

Comment by: Terry Jarrett. on 19th January 2021 at 13:39

Was in this hospital for TB of lung,s neck and spine,for two years 1952/53.

Comment by: Patrick O'Brien on 6th September 2022 at 06:26

I was in writington 1975 for a period of about one month. Where I was treated successfully for rheumatoid arthritis. I was admitted when very poorly. I went home well.

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