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Wigan Casino


Wigan Casino.
Wigan Casino.
Photo: Eddie.
Views: 4,348
Item #: 27180
Wigan Casino taken from an elevated situation. Year unknown.

Photo credit. Terry Lawrenson.

Comment by: MarieM on 8th December 2015 at 10:13

Known to my generation as Th'Emp.

Comment by: Jarvo on 8th December 2015 at 10:56

The place holds not a shred of a memory for me. I did venture in when I was 18 years old, but I never revisited the place, for obvious reasons. For others, it is much mourned. Listening to Northern Soul these days and artists like Len Barry, it is painfully obvious that it was never intended to be soulful at all; it was contrived to be so and why I'll never know. But each to their own and live and let live. As for the actual place itself, it was damp and reeked of mildew. On passing, I could always smell piss and it wasn't the drunken type. Today, the Soulies that danced until dawn, occasionally meet in the Grand Arcade and relive the halcyon days...And the smell is of cookies instead of wee...We have moved on a bit in Wigan and some say for the better...In the Casino's case, let's lay those ghosts to rest, for the sake of good health...What? What?

Comment by: Maureen on 8th December 2015 at 11:01

It'll always be The Emp to me..great memories.

Comment by: Vb on 8th December 2015 at 11:20

Most people have good memories of the Emp Jarvo before Northern Soul - my era was before. EVen the best club or dancehall looks depressing in daylight. I often think was it burned down intentionally!

Comment by: chris southworth on 8th December 2015 at 11:49

Well said Jarvo. The music did nowt for me.Over hyped B side rubbish. The trouble is, a lot of people have a fixation that everybody in Wigan liked the stuff and we know that's just not true. As for the place itself, a good description Jarvo. Needed knocking down.

Comment by: Albert. on 8th December 2015 at 15:22

So many attachments were made when it was the Emp. Long lasting, and loving. I met my wife there fifty six years ago. St Patricks Friday night ball.

Comment by: Derek Rudd on 8th December 2015 at 17:07

Was this the site of Morrisons supermarket that was on station road after the building in the centre was knocked down or was it further to the left? I can remember that you could go up/down either side of the supermarket passing by Tom Wallies pet shop or the Civic building in the eighties!

Comment by: irene roberts on 8th December 2015 at 19:36

Jarvo and Chris, I hear what you are saying, and I too only went once, but the people who loved it are entitled to their views and memories; I'm sure things that are important to me would mean little to others, but we all have our special times, our special memories. Jarvo, I loved your reminiscences on the Market Photo!

Comment by: Ernest Pyke on 9th December 2015 at 12:41

Entry in my 1946 diary for Friday 4th January:-
" Work. Canteen. Dad and I went to B.H. I won 3 - 0. We had 3 games for 1/1d."
We played snooker and the Empress Billiard Hall had 23 tables.
Entry in my 1947 diary for Friday 3rd January:-
"Work. 8.0 - 5.30. Canteen. Went to Walker`s Dance at Empress Hall. Played whist. Got home 1.0. Bed 1.30."
The whist was a Whist Drive.

Comment by: Ged on 10th December 2015 at 12:59

Fond memories of Wigan Emp, 1959 to 1962, Friday, Sat & Monday Nights, Still have friends that i met at the Emp.

Comment by: Kas on 10th December 2015 at 23:40

Nailed it again Irene.

Comment by: Johnny on 23rd February 2016 at 12:34

A great venue! I went regularly from 1964 to early 70s. Terrific memories. Such a shame it was demolished and not restored for future Wiganers!

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