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Ritz Cinema


Waiting at the Ritz cinema 1939 approx
Waiting at the Ritz cinema 1939 approx
Photo: Keith
Views: 2,459
Item #: 26927
I believe this photo was taken outside the Ritz Cinema in approximately 1939.
On the left is my mother standing with her friend who I believe is Betty Morris. I'm assuming their dates have arrived (hence the photo) and I'm jumping to assumptions here but that should have been my father, who had signed a 10 year contract with Wigan RL and possibly the other date was probably his pal, another Welshman, Ted Ward who also signed from the same club Llanelli.
Apologies for the poor quality of the photo but I've done my best to try and get rid of two very bad creases across the photo which unfortunately went straight through both faces.

Comment by: irene roberts on 29th October 2015 at 22:17

This is lovely! Peter and I go to 1940s events all over the place, and although this photo is just before that time, I would love to have those outfits! How elegant and smart those ladies look. The young girls , (and there are quite a number), who attend the Forties events, look absolutely stunning compared to some of the girls of their age you see today, in "trackies", (and even in pyjamas in their local shops!). They had a pride in their appearance in those days, despite very little money, and I, for one, salute them.

Comment by: Keith on 29th October 2015 at 22:32

I omitted to mention my mother's name, she was Phyllis Brown (b.1919) and lived in Clarington Grove. She would have been about 20 years of age in this photo.

Comment by: Wiganer on 29th October 2015 at 22:38

Keith you have already put this photo on the site in January 2014 under PEOPLE. PHYLISS BROWN

Comment by: Maureen on 29th October 2015 at 22:41

Keith,your Mum was a very pretty girl..they both were.

Comment by: irene roberts on 29th October 2015 at 23:05

Yes, and it certainly deserves a second look!

Comment by: Keith on 29th October 2015 at 23:39

Thank you for pointing this out Wiganer - I did check but never thought of using my mother's maiden name, simply went to Ritz - these old grey cells are getting worse. Apologies to all concerned.

Comment by: Helen on 30th October 2015 at 07:12

You are so right Irene, we have a 40's weekend here based around the North Norfolk Railway & see more & more young people coming, they really look so smart & well dressed. It would do some people good to look in the mirror before they leave the house & give us all a break !!

Comment by: A.W on 30th October 2015 at 08:45

I hope she took her hat off inside the cinema!

Comment by: Keith on 30th October 2015 at 11:04

Thank you for those great comments - my mother had auburn hair and it was only in the last year of her life when she was ill that I realised she didn't have light auburn hair at all but this deeper colour - she'd been lightening her hair all those years. Hardly a grey hair in sight when she died aged 81, one of the benefits perhaps of red hair. Clothes she sometimes made and throughout her life constantly altered them, often using the old Singer sewing machine.

Comment by: Jinksi on 30th October 2015 at 11:27

Irene,Helen, not full of Tatoo's like today's lot they'll be sorry one Day.

Comment by: John G on 30th October 2015 at 15:18

Keith: Both women look fantastic with all the lipstick on and smart clothes, it's no wonder your dad took a photo.

Comment by: Pw on 30th October 2015 at 18:38

Two very smart young girls.People do not go to the pictures(cinema) dressed like this these days.A very good reminder of the past,thanks Kieith

Comment by: gideonfel on 31st October 2015 at 15:16

A brilliant photo, Keith. People back then had a pride in their appearance, and there's an elegance about these two lovely ladies that, as others have pointed out, is sadly lacking these days.

Comment by: Keith on 31st October 2015 at 20:08

Wonderful comments; if Betty and my mother were around today I know they would have been very proud to have read them. Thank you everyone.

Comment by: Daisy on 2nd November 2015 at 16:38

FABULOUS all our yesterdays

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