Wigan Album
Photo: Frank Orrell
Item #: 26820
some of these faces look very familiar , can anyone put any names to them .
The lad just right of centre looks like John Bullock from Platt Bridge .
John Bullough
I recognise quite a few faces on here myself christine varey my friend Marilyn Mccarthy linda cunliffe
Eileen Ainscough with the dark curly hair mid-photo ;)
long walk home for Linda, remember lots, great times
When was this taken? I cant spot meself maybe at the bar or snoggin some girl!
I can recognise Eileen Ainscough in the pic. A girl I dated a few times. Used to mate with Christine Aspey as I recall!
Jeff Aspinall ,glasses and moustache bottom left ,and that could well be me along side him ,we were inseparable at that time ,can t be sure though I had lost an awful lot of weight but it looks like me then