Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan
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Wigan Album
Maypole Pit Disaster Aug 18th 1908
maypole shaft sinking
Photo: Allan Hughes
Photo: Allan Hughes
Views: 2,530
Item #: 26536
Item #: 26536
a hastily turned out postcard probably on sale within a couple of days of the disaster.
Comment by: Albert. on 2nd June 2015 at 09:33
I recollect when I worked in the tunnels at the Maypole. I was using an air pick, making footings for a girder. Suddenly I struck water, and in no time at all, it was up to my knees.
Notice the drills. The striker had a 14lb sledge and as he struck the top of the drill, his mate would give it a turn in the hole, hoping that the striker had a good aim!!
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