Wigan Album
Photo: Stew Parr
Item #: 25619
No John or Taylor pit in action either. Interesting that the path from Lower Wood Farm continues on where the houses are now, Chris Tommy told me this went under the line so now I'm aware the path continued straight, I may have a mooch...
When Nationalisation came. a sign appeared " JOHN COLLIERY"
Obviously the N C B hierarchy were not Wiganers.
I'm having trouble recognising this picture, can someone point out some modern landmarks in it to help me out? And is North in it's conventional place?
jmw the cluster of trees far left centre is kings wood, G.U.S was built lower right of the trees, harry houghtons lodge lower down where scott lane now runs to beech hill.
Thanks ged. I've got it now.
I am almost sure my friend, Ben Bennison, was a surveyor, at the John Pit, during the fifties.