Wigan Album
4 CommentsPhoto: Mick
Item #: 25330
The photographer must have been standing opposite the Abbey Lakes pub, where the semi detached houses now stand.
Those hay stooks bring back memories of haymaking at Holland Moor. When the hay was cut, I along with other children would stand the sheaves into stooks as they came out of the binder, great stuff...no Health & Safety to spoil the fun back then.
PS...and I'm not that ancient yet, in case you think otherwise !
This old barn was demolished in the early 1960s, houses were built on the site, the photograph may have been taken from Spencer's Lane.
I remember them still making stooks around UpHolland in the 1960s, Helen.
On one occasion we were walking up to the Beacon when we saw the elderly farmer from Belle Vue farm and his two sisters making stooks in a field. Both of the sisters were wearing long black dresses, white pinnies, and sun bonnets. It looked like a scene from a Van Gogh painting.
I agree with Helen, this takes me back to Hollandmoor. Also these fields I can remember watching the farmers working from our home on Alma hill. Plus we would play in those produced on alma Hill . Magic times.