Wigan Album
Kirkless Colliery & Iron Works
Photo: terry almond
Item #: 24822
Is that CWS glassworks chimney to the left, and St Catharine's church steeple to the right
Westwood power station. CWS only had one chimney.
It could be St Catherines, or even St Peters in Hindley, but I doubt very much it is CWS Glassworks.
It's St Catherines alright, the houses are in De-Trafford Drive and Hemfield Road.
Colin... if the foreground is the site of WC&I, and those houses are De-trafford and Heimfield Rd, then the view is looking towards Hindley, and the Steeple is either St Peter's or St John's
Colin, I have seen the other photograph now, and you are correct, this is not where I thought it was.
You can see the gas works cylinder in Wigan on the left, nice photo
this was what was known locally as the slaggy,spent many happy times playing there as a kid
years ago it used to be called the wigan alps,it was a lot bigger then.all the slag was from the kirkless iron works.it was moved to make a hardcore base for the m61
I always thought it was The Three Sisters slag heaps at Bryn that were called The Wigan Alps.
hi Irene,just going off what the old people used to say in ince when I was a lad
Wes, it wasn't a criticism. I have a video called Bygone Wigan, (I think you can watch it on Youtube now), and it mentions The Three Sisters at Bryn as being known as The Wigan Alps. I grew up in Ince too. It was a good place to grow up in, I'm sure you agree. Did you live in Ince Green Lane near St. William's?
Yes it was indeed known has the Slaggy. I remember Allen Brothers from New Springs, they had the contract to remove it in the 1960s. I think Pickavance haulage and excavation company from St Helens, carried on when Allen Brothers finished.
hi Irene,i lived in hemfield road at the top of belle green lane the row of terraced houses in the background is hemfield road.
I realised as soon as I'd posted the comment that the people near us in Ince Green Lane were called McKnighnt, not Knight, but your name seems familiar.
wes, i lived in york st off frances st we played on slag tip loads im'e talking about 50s do you remember the bowling green on hemfield rd ?
hi Josie,i remember it but not as a bowling green,it was an area we used to play known locally as "the bowly". the storage network warehouse was built on the site
Was this what used to be called the chalkies at the top of belle Green lane around the side and rear of Belle green little school? This site is now an industrial estate and Refuse tip.