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Spring View Cricket Club

1 Comment

Spring View CC, 1987.
Spring View CC, 1987.
Photo: Brian Acton
Views: 6,299
Item #: 2472
Spring View C.C. winners Watts Cup 1987 v Highfield played at Poolstock.

Bach row left to right: Chris James, Nigel Geary, Mike James, Ian Horrocks, Ian Green, Jess Freeman, Martin James

Front row L to R: David Holding, Brian Acton, Jeff Burgess, Peter Harmer (capt), Frank Geary, Keiron James.

Four James brothers involved in the team.

Comment by: jim muldoon on 29th April 2008 at 15:39

Brian no wonder you beat us that day the James boys uncle won the match for you Jesse ,sorry Charlie.** Jim.

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