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Golborne Boys Secondary Modern


Golborne boys school camp in Staiths Yorkshire 1961.
Golborne boys school camp in Staiths Yorkshire 1961.
Photo: Brian Thilwind
Views: 2,337
Item #: 24384
This was my 1st school camp in 1961 at Staiths in Yorkshire and we stopped in an old army barracks in one big room, that was fun for a 1st year kid as they went up to 4th year, teachers had own room.

Comment by: Brian Thilwind on 12th January 2014 at 19:47

Left to right, Fredie Worthington, Harry Crichley, ?, Norman Stuchfield, Ian Sproston, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, something Tansey, Paul Wilinscroft, Brian Thilwind.

Comment by: Geoffrey Hodgkinson on 26th January 2014 at 14:51

Is that Frank Turton 3rd from left?

Comment by: Roy Lewis on 16th February 2014 at 21:55

I can see terry finch...I played for golborne cricket club with terry...a good fast bowler

Comment by: pat crane on 1st June 2015 at 23:47

OMG thats my Dad Terry Finch never seen this pic before my Dad died 20yrs ago

Comment by: Mark Smith on 22nd June 2018 at 20:08

I'm an ex Golborne Comp pupil, left in 1980, and have lived in York for some time and often visit Staithes. It's a lovely little place. That building in the picture is still there...what appears to be an old army camp at the top of the village.

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