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Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan

Wigan Album

St George's, Wigan


Life Boys
Life Boys
Photo: Harry Cunliffe
Views: 2,851
Item #: 24177
St. George's walking day, Life Boys taken early 1950's, at the front nearest camera Leslie Wood, next left me, next left Barry Moran, next left Alan Heppinstall, at the front furthest from camera Lewy Rudd, next left Graham Fairhurst ? next left Joe Wood.

Comment by: Thomas(Tom)Walsh on 24th November 2013 at 16:06

This photograph was taken a little lower down from The Scholes Picture House. The buildings in shot, from right to left, Cusani's Fruit Shop
, Mc Avoy's Butchers , The Angel Hotel, then on the opposite corner of Wellington Street The Shamrock Hotel.

Comment by: Harry C. on 25th November 2013 at 08:48

I have put Joe Wood but he may be Bob Wood.

Comment by: fred foster on 25th November 2013 at 12:23

Those were the days when there was a bobby at the front and one at the rear. No "elf an safety" rubbish then. Today, the same walking day would cost a couple of grand to police.

Comment by: Gerry on 28th November 2013 at 09:03

As a child in the fifties I remember the life boys..what did they do? Were they like the scouts or boys brigade? Are they disbanded ? I've never heard of them since

Comment by: Harry C. on 28th November 2013 at 13:06

Gerry, young boys enrolled in the Life Boys up to the age of eleven or twelve and then enrolled in the Boys Brigade, both were church run organisations, when you joined the Boys Brigade you could join the band, it was all good fun and it gave you something to do.

Comment by: Gerry on 28th November 2013 at 17:55

Thank you Harry, so lifeboys were to the Boys brigada as cubs are to scouts in each case a younger version of each.

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