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Bus Station
Bus Station
Photo: Deborah Topping (nee Bond)
Views: 5,223
Item #: 24152
Wigan bus station Market Square. Many a time I've a cold carton of milk from the vending machine there brrr

Comment by: WIGANER on 15th November 2013 at 18:51

Deborah what a great set of photographs This is what we want to see more of on the wiganworld site Not pictures of people on holiday are sat on the Haigh Hall stairs..

Comment by: irene roberts on 15th November 2013 at 19:40

I recall the vending machine selling cartons of milk, and the newsagent's stall at the market end of the bus-station, and the cafe.....was it called The Baked Potato? Anyway, I remember our Jamie always suddenly developing a thirst when we arrived in Wigan so that I would take him in for a drink of pop!

Comment by: Gerry on 15th November 2013 at 19:55

Hot toast in the baked potato was heaven...about 1982 just before it closed

Comment by: Garry on 15th November 2013 at 21:34

That's a matter of opinion...WIGANER.

Comment by: peter on 15th November 2013 at 22:22

I remember coming home from blackpoll mecca the milk from the vending machine tasted like vintage wine,

Comment by: Stew P on 16th November 2013 at 01:32

Never mind the milk. What about those impregnable cartons of pale orange liquid that masqueraded as orange juice!!

Comment by: Helen on 16th November 2013 at 08:39

Getting off the bus from school in Ormskirk, crossing Menses St to the Scotch Bakers on the corner & buying a parkin then round the back alley into Dicconson St.

Garry, what are we going to do with you ?!

Comment by: Gerry on 16th November 2013 at 09:47

Hot toast in the baked potato was heaven...about 1982 just before it closed

Comment by: Roy on 16th November 2013 at 16:24

Helen, if you are referring to Garry's comment re WIGANERS remarks about the photos on Haigh Hall stairs, i for one totally agree with him, that comment was disrespectful to say the least. Great set of pics by the way Deborah, thank you.

Comment by: tricia on 16th November 2013 at 18:42

I think it best to ignore him, Helen.He is probably an 'imported' Wiganer anyway!

Comment by: irene roberts on 16th November 2013 at 21:28

Brian and Nancy, (Haigh Hall Stairs), are among the nicest people I know and I think it so romantic to show their special anniversaries on the same stair in our historic Hall.

Comment by: Art on 17th November 2013 at 01:38

The baked Potato was part of a chain owned by George Walker, elder brother of Billy Walker, heavyweight, knicknamed "The Golden Boy" of boxing..

Comment by: Gerry on 17th November 2013 at 08:28

That's magic. I posted a comment only once and it appeared twice on different days...how does that work Brian?.

Comment by: WIGANER on 17th November 2013 at 11:10

Check out the views and number of comments made on these photographs by Deborah, compared to the ones of couples sat on the stairs!!! and it shows what PROPER Wiganers would rather look at.

Comment by: Steve on 17th November 2013 at 11:34

Wiganer, if you don't like the picture then don't comment on it, how many interesting pictures have you posted?

Comment by: Mick on 17th November 2013 at 12:09

Art - the Baked Potato cafe on the bus station was owned by Roger Doxsey, who also had Percivals, the Turnkey on King St, and the Wiggin Tree at Parbold. I regularly used to deal with legal documentation relating to all his premises in the town centre. I believe Mr Doxsey died a couple of years ago.
The chain of restaurants owned by George Walker were known as 'Billy's Baked Potato', and were located in the Home Counties.

Comment by: WIGANER on 17th November 2013 at 15:39

Steve if you look at the top of the page its says COMMENTS and that's what I've done, it's my opinion just like you have an opinion. It doesn't say "Only Good Comments".
You would be amazed at how many photographs I've put on the site...

Comment by: Steve on 18th November 2013 at 12:27

Did people moan about your pictures, like you do about others.

Comment by: WIGANER on 18th November 2013 at 13:12

No they didn't, because they were INTERESTING...Old photos of Wigan like these.

Comment by: Steve on 18th November 2013 at 20:49

They were interesting, who said that........er, oh ye, you!!!!!!!!

Comment by: scaramouche on 19th November 2013 at 08:31

Steve you are a right Plonker...Get A Life. I know who Wiganer is, and I can tell you he has contributed a lot of fantastic photos to the site over the years. What have you done????.

Comment by: Garry on 19th November 2013 at 08:49

Wiganers a complete fool!

Comment by: Willy Wackum on 19th November 2013 at 10:22

Steve Grow up lad. Just because you don't like someone's opinion you act like a spoiled brat...
Be warned if your teacher sees you posting messages on your mobile phone they will take it off you

Comment by: Barbara on 19th November 2013 at 12:07

The double his to many people think they own this site

Willy you should spend you're time on the general section, you would feel at home there as you're not allowed an opinion on there either.

Comment by: Garry on 19th November 2013 at 13:04

Dont understand Barbara??

Comment by: Barbara on 20th November 2013 at 08:51

Sorry I should have said
The trouble his to many people think they own this site and think they can dominate as to what's posted.

I agree Garry.

Comment by: Jimmy Edwards on 14th December 2013 at 00:32

Can any one remember the name of the live music club upstairs in the next building to the Morrisons Shop .( late 60s ) .

Comment by: Joan Neville on 12th January 2014 at 21:27

Was the music club Room at the Top .

Comment by: Jimmy on 15th January 2014 at 19:35

Joan,think you are right .Think it was 2/6 to go in. Saw some good Groups in the 60s.

Comment by: Joan Neville on 17th January 2014 at 00:46

Does anyone remember Harlem Johns Reshuffle, great band with good sax player, also Manchester Prowlers , The Organization, all played local clubs in the 60s, great times.

Comment by: Joan Neville on 17th January 2014 at 20:30

Does anyone remember Harlem Johns Reshuffle, great band with good sax player, also Manchester Prowlers , The Organization, all played local clubs in the 60s, great times.

Comment by: Mr X on 14th August 2017 at 18:56

The Ribble Leyland National bus looks like PTF735L that was number 389. Morrisons's supermarket that took over from Whelan's is the building behind.

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