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Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan

Wigan Album

Notre Dame School, Standishgate


School orchestra
School orchestra
Photo: Patricia Rosser (nee Clarke) Liverpool Echo
Views: 3,826
Item #: 23141
This is taken from the Liverpool Echo of 16th October 1965 and shows the school orchestra playing at the speech day at the Queen's Hall in Wigan. I am 5th from the left (back row) and my friend Ann is 6th on the left. Bottom row, 2nd on the left is Janet Smith. Can anyone put any other names to the faces?

Comment by: Clare Kinnaird nee Turner on 4th April 2013 at 19:47

I was there from 1964-69. I have so enjoyed looking at all these pictures and the wonderful memories may bring back-thank you. I was very friendly with a Janet Smith-small and dark but I don't recall her face. I remember she was very friendly with a tall girl called Gwen.

Comment by: Marie Therese hill on 15th May 2014 at 08:17

I'm fourth from the left back row, I was Marie-These Moran., playing the violin and wearing glasses. Very strange to see my face looking out at me from so long ago...I was 62 last Saturday lol

Comment by: Helen on 10th April 2015 at 19:12

Hi Marie were you Joan's sister? She was in my class. I played trombone but I obviously wasn't at this bash! I was Helen Barton then.

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