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Mount Pleasant
Mount Pleasant
Photo: Neil Richardson
Views: 4,517
Item #: 22821
Mount Pleasant in Aspull.

Comment by: Den s on 27th February 2013 at 00:21

Was this Lammy Bibby's Pub on Bolton Rd?.

Comment by: Ken R on 27th February 2013 at 00:21

I can't think where this is/was, please tell me. Thanks.

Comment by: walt (nth Yroks) on 27th February 2013 at 08:39

Dennis, it was Lammie's pub, long since demolished.
Ken R, Going down Bolton Road, on right hand side past the Coop Shop, before Joe Parkers shop, there was a row of Red brick houses once, the pub was immediately after that.

Comment by: aitch on 28th February 2013 at 11:25

Ive asked a few times about the site and name of that pub, although I come from Ince, in the early 60s afew of us spent a lot of weekends up in aspull, and always went in the pleasant, nice to see a picture of it at last.

Comment by: Linda on 31st March 2013 at 13:39

Hi Ken if you went down Bolton Rd you whent past the new shcool then the ro there where houses that stood back there Jackie Robinson lived in one round the back we used to go for cookery lessons from school the lady that had the shop before Joe Parker was MRS wilkinson she was the local Midwife

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