Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan
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Ashurst Beacon
Rene Harmer's Roby Mill Sunday School class c1927
Photo: Christopher Alex Darbyshire
Photo: Christopher Alex Darbyshire
Views: 3,982
Item #: 22633
Item #: 22633
A different day out to the other one, slightly earlier. Back row L to R : Miss Harmer, Stan Smith, Bessie Fishwick, Jack Speakman, Gwen Dainty? Middle L to R : Fred Latham, 2 unknowns, Jennie Foster. Front row L to R : Evelyn Speakman, Molly Foster, Mildred Speakman, Esther Latham, Maurice Smith.
Comment by: Tracey Ronnay-Fisher on 17th February 2013 at 23:58
My grandmother is Mildred Speakman sitting on the front row. Her brother, Jack Speakman, is standing up on the back row. Can't believe I've found this.
Hi Tracy, have a look at the Roby Mill slot in this same "album : places" section of Wigan World, where you will find a couple of photos of your gt grandad John (also known as Jack). I'm in touch with your mum, and have another photo yet to go on, which has Mildred's brother on it.
Esther Latham was my mum and Fred was my uncle. Think this is the earliest photo I've seen of her. Thank you
Hi Tracey,
Your grandmother was my godmother! I'm sure your grandmother had a daughter Sandra, your mum or Auntie?
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