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St Catharines church


St Catharine's Church Scholes Youth Fellowship 1951
St Catharine's Church Scholes Youth Fellowship 1951
Photo: JohnAlan
Views: 2,464
Item #: 22435
The photo shows a group of St Catharine's Church Youth Fellowship on a day out at Trentham Gardens in 1951. Any names would be appreciated. Second row from the back in the middle looks like my mother Doreen Hankin and same row second from left looks like Marion Molyneux, mum's cousin to become Marion Alty wife of Joe Alty from Southport.

Comment by: jim holding on 15th January 2013 at 14:00


take it you mean the girl whose face in partly obscured becacuse the girl in front oh her is my eldest sister Margaret and the the girl to her left is Brenda Prescott .Another great picture from the past will get contact her to have a look at it.
Seems Trentham Gardens was the place to go right into the sixties cos I nemember going on a similar trip in my mid teens with St Catherines

Comment by: AB on 15th January 2013 at 14:28

Second from loeft on back row ,Bob Angleses,4th Horace Mawdsley

Comment by: AB on 15th January 2013 at 15:11

Brenda Prescott submitted thie photo to the newspaper years ago. She has the original.She doe not think Doreen Hankin is on the photo among the men is Ted Foster,Tom Purdham,Don Fullalove. Eric Curless, and Eric Leigh ( Who later married Brenda0 and of the girls Brfenda hersel,Peggy Holliday and ALice Whalley. These were names that sprung to mind and given time I an sure she can recall more,She has offered to submit the original, if required.

Comment by: Maggie K on 15th January 2013 at 18:35

AB - Brenda Leigh attended St Anne's Church Shevington and I see her sometimes. I will tell her about this photograph.

Comment by: AB on 15th January 2013 at 20:04

Maggie; I spoke to Brenda today she offered the original. Jim , Margaret Holding was Brenda's best friend ,didnt she marry John Green? There are one or two on this photo who I still see and / or speak to

Comment by: JohnAlan on 16th January 2013 at 10:20

Thanks for the comments to all of you. As I said not sure if it is my mum Doreen or not. Difficult to be specific which row as they are a bit mixed up. The person I thought may be mum has a white blouse on and her hair is swept back from her forehead. The second girl down in front of the one whose face is mostly hidden and in between a lad wearing a tie and someone with glasses on. Jim is the girl thought to be mum your sister then? I spoke to Marion Alty about the photo and she doesn't remember going to Trentham Gardens! Maybe they are both just look alikes. The photo in the paper referred to is what I have taken this photo and it has been pinned up in St Catharine's for a few months. I have scanned it for inclusion in the church magazine so I can add the names mentioned so far.

Comment by: Barbara on 16th January 2013 at 13:13

Is the girl 2nd from the right on the front row, Jenny Stringman?

Comment by: jim holding on 16th January 2013 at 13:28

girl with the white blouse is sister Margaret and AB yes she was best friends with Brenda Prescott thats the reason I recognise her,and all the chaps name you mention i recognise by name though i couldnt pick them out on the pick
Only one i do recognise and know today would br Horrace Maudsley and thats cause I know him from working at Gullicks but i didnt realise he was an old St Catherines boy
Margaret married a chap from who she met while she was training to be nurse in Manchester Royal and lived in and around the Oxford/Berkshire area for many years but she is back living in area now in Elmers Green near Skem.Will let her know about this pic she might be able to fill in some names.

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